"And what then?" Steve demanded.

"Oh, my god. Pierce is gonna kill me," Sitwell mumbled to himself.

"What then?" Jaime repeated what Steve said, stepping forward and grabbing the bald man by his collar.

"Then the Insight helicarrier scratches people off the list... A few million at a time." Sitwell answered.

Jaime shoved him back roughly, making him stumble and trip over his own feet to the ground. "Get your Humpty Dumpty looking ass in the car downstairs before I fucking kill you." Jaime said, pointing at the roof door.

The bald man immediately stood up and went for the stairs leading down, the others following.


Jaime, Natasha, Steve, Sam, and Sitwell were seated in the car, on their way to gather information. There wasn't enough space in the car, so Natasha opted to sit in Jaime's lap.

Sam was driving, and Steve was in the passenger seat, while Natasha, Jaime, and Sitwell were in the back.

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks," Sitwell spoke up, receiving an eye roll from Jaime as she adjusted her posture, lifting her hips up, making Natasha gasp softly in surprise. Smirking, the redhead placed her hand on Jaime's thigh as she felt her 'not so little friend'.

"Then why don't you just try sticking a cork in it?" Sam asked rhetorically, looking at Sitwell through the rearview mirror.

"Insight's launching in 16 hours." Natasha informed, poking her head around the head of Steve's seat. "We're cutting it a little bit close here."

"I know." Steve responded. "We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly." the blonde stated.

"What? Are you crazy!?" Sitwell exclaimed. "That is a terrible, terrible idea."

Suddenly, there was a thud on the roof, making them all look up. The window next to Sitwell smashed as a metal hand reached in, grabbing the bald man and throwing him out onto the road. He screamed before a truck ran over him.

Natasha looked at the window in shock before Jaime grabbed her and pushed her onto Steve's lap as the Winter Soldier shot multiple bullets through the roof, nearly hitting her in the shoulder.

Steve pulled harshly on the brakes as bullets kept coming through the roof, causing the soldier to go flying onto the road ahead of them.

The soldier flipped over, using his metal hand to stop himself, sparks flying around from the friction of the metal against the asphalt. Natasha pulled out her gun as a jeep rammed into them from behind, causing the redhead to drop her gun.

The car came closer to the man standing on the road, but just before it was going to hit him, he flipped over and landed on the roof. Sam pressed his foot as hard as he could on the brakes, causing the tires to screech as the car was still being pushed by the jeep.

Natasha reached for her gun as the soldier's hand went through the windshield, pulling out the steering wheel.

"Shit!" Sam yelled, as Natasha shot at the soldier who jumped onto the jeep behind them.

Without the steering wheel, they couldn't control the car, which was swerving around on the road before the jeep rammed into the back of it again, sending the car straight into the stone road divider.

"Hang on!" Steve yelled, placing his shield against the door as the car tilted sideways onto two wheels.

The blonde grunted, slamming his shoulder into the car door, pulling the rest out with him as they fell onto the road. Sam fell off the car door and rolled further down the road, a couple of meters away from the other three Avengers.

Their car crashed and tumbled further down the road as the three got up from the ground. The Winter Soldier was handed a large gun which he used to shoot a bomb at Steve. Caught off guard, Steve only had time to push Natasha away and shield himself and Jaime from the blast with his shield. The two were blown back by the force of the blast and landed in a bus on the roadway below the others.

"Jaime!" Steve shouted, trying to wake the tattooed woman up as she had passed out from the harsh fall.

"Jaime, come on, please wake up," Steve begged, softly slapping her face as people started to evacuate from the bus, helping the wounded.

Steve looked at a man dragging a wounded woman out as Jaime woke up, coughing. Steve's head immediately turned to the tall woman. "Jaime? Oh, thank God you're awake," Steve said, relieved to see that his friend was okay.

"Come on, we have to go," the blonde said, helping his friend up when suddenly shots were fired through the bus.

"Fuck, come on!" Jaime yelled, running to where they could exit the bus.

Steve jumped out and grabbed his shield, shielding them from the shots as they advanced towards the HYDRA agents. On the road above, Sam had managed to get the gun from one of the agents and shot the remaining agents around the two Avengers on the ground.

Steve ran to the agent with the minigun, flipping over him and throwing him onto the car on his back before knocking him out. Meanwhile, Jaime fell to the ground, blood flowing from the gunshot wounds in her torso. Her shirt was drenched, and blood had started dripping from her mouth as she dragged herself to lean against the car.

Steve leaned against the car where Jaime was. "No, no, no." he said, putting pressure against her wounds as Sam continued shooting at the remaining agents. "Steve, you have to move on! Go! I got this." Sam yelled.

The blonde looked at his friend. "It's okay." she nodded, pressing her hands on her wounds. "Go." she said, wiping the blood from her mouth. Steve sniffed as tears ran across his cheeks, afraid that he would lose his friend, but nodded determinedly before running off.


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