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"You don't think i'm a freak?"


When they arrived, Steve gently placed Natasha down on the ground, and she slowly regained her senses, her mind still a little fuzzy. Nonetheless, she managed to stand on her own two legs.

"You okay, love?" Jaime asked, still holding her wound. It was a wonder that she hadn't bled out already, but due to her accelerated healing factor, the wound was already starting to heal and had stopped bleeding.

"Mhm," the red head nodded, still a bit dazed from the explosion, as Jaime threw her free arm around the ginger's shoulder, letting her lean into her body.

"What happened?" Natasha asked, wide-eyed as she looked down at Jaime's blood-stained shirt.

"Don't worry about it," the tattooed woman replied, hugging the shorter woman close to her body. Natasha hugged her back, feeling a sense of comfort and protection in Jaime's embrace.

Steve knocked on the door, waiting for Sam to open it. When he did, he stared at them, slightly confused and concerned. They were covered in dust, their hair slightly messy, and Jaime's shirt stained with blood. Sam's expression shifted to one of worry and urgency.

"Hey, man." Sam said to Steve. "Jaime"

"Hey." She beathed.

"I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low." Steve apologised.

"Everyonewe know is trying to kill us." Natasha spoke, glumly.

"Not everyone." Sam replied, letting them in before checking if anyone was outside.

"Hey, Sam. Can I borrow your shower?" Jaime called out.

"Yeah, sure. It's in the last room on your left." Sam replied with a warm smile.

"Thanks." Jaime smiled back, before going into the back room.

As she stepped into the bathroom, Jaime turned on the shower, allowing it to warm up. She stood in front of the sink, staring at herself in the mirror. Her hand reached up to her face, wincing when she touched the cut on her lip. Among the three Avengers, Jaime was the one most battered up.

Carefully, Jaime peeled off her shirt, wincing as it stuck to the wound. With a hiss of pain, she tossed the shirt aside and examined the wound. "Fuck." she muttered, feeling the pain intensify when she touched it. Glancing down at her jeans, she realized they weren't as dusty as she had expected. She could easily wipe off the dirt. (Outfit above the story)

As Jaime stood under the hot water, she winced as it cascaded over her battered and scarred skin. Her muscles gradually relaxed, feeling the tension release with each passing moment. With gentle strokes, she brushed her hands over her body, watching as the dirt and grime disappeared down the drain. Leaning her head back, she allowed the water to run through her hair and over her face

As Jaime was about to step out of the shower, the bathroom door swung open, revealing Natasha on the other side. Jaime instinctively shielded herself, turning away from Natasha's gaze. "What are you doing here?" Jaime's voice carried a hint of panic.

"I wanted to check up on you," Natasha replied, her tone gentle as she closed the door behind her, her eyes fixed on Jaime.

"Why are you turned around?" The red head asked. 

 "N-no reason." The tatooed woman replied.

 "Turn to me then." Natasha said. 

 "Nah i'm good." Jaime, chuckled nervously.

 "Jaime." Natasha warned. 

 "Fine." The tall woman groaned, covering her breast with her other hand before turning around. 

 "Why are you covering yourself? We're both women, you think that i've never seen a vagina before?" The red head asked confused.

"You're right about the women part." Jaime said, nodding.

"What do you mean? You got a dick or something?" The ginger joked.

"Meh" The tatooed woman tilted her head to the side, smiling akwardly.

"Wait, what?" Natasha said confused.

"You have a penis? How? You're lying." She rambled.

"I'm not lying, i'm Int-" Jaime tried to speak  but Natasha cut her off.

"You are, because there's no way. There's no way." She said shaking her head.

"I'm not." Jaime said.

"You are." Natasha protested.

"No, i'm not." Jaime shook her head."

"Yes, you a-" The red head began.

"No, Natasha i'm Intersex!" Jaime exclaimed, removing her hands from her private area.

"Oh my." Natasha mumbled, staring wide-eyed at Jaime's 9 inch cock.

"Yeah." The tall woman said quickly putting on her boxer and sports bra before heding for the bathroom door, grabbing her jeans on the way."

"Jaime, wait." Natasha said, grabbing onto Jaime's bicep keeping her from leaving.

"What?" Jaime asked sharply, turning towards Natasha.

"You have to clean that wound properly." Natasha said, glancing at Jaime's open wound.

"Why would you hep me?" The tatooed woman asked looking down. 

"Because i care about you." Natasha replied.

"You don't think i'm a freak? Because of my uh, privates?" Jaime asked, feeling ashamed.

"What? No, of course not. Come here," Natasha exclaimed, flinging her arms around the tall woman's neck, pulling her into an embrace that caused Jaime to stoop slightly. Jaime dropped her jeans and returned the hug, wrapping her arms around the shorter woman's waist and burying her face into Natasha's neck.

"Whoever made you feel like that didn't deserve you," the redhead said, gently scratching the taller woman's head. "And I'm sorry for that."

"You are perfect as you are, okay?" She asked, releasing Jaime and locking eyes with her.

"Okay," Jaime nodded, sniffing.

"Now, let me clean that wound," the redhead smiled, opening the cabinet next to Jaime's head and retrieving an aid kit from it.

Natasha carefully attended to Jaime's wounds, her touch both gentle and deliberate. She first cleaned the stab wound on Jaime's side, dabbing at it with antiseptic to ensure it was thoroughly cleansed. Jaime winced as the sting of the antiseptic hit her.

Once the wound on Jaime's side was tended to, Natasha turned her attention to the cut on her lip. With precise movements, she cleaned away the blood, her eyes focused on the womans lips.

As Natasha continued her ministrations, she reached for a bandage from the first aid kit. With careful attention, she gently wrapped it around Jaime's stomach, securing it in place.

She cleared her throat, looking up at Jaime who had been watching her attentively the whole time. "All done." the redhead said.

"Thanks." the tattooed woman said, picking up her jeans, dusting them off before putting them on.


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