Chapter 24 - A Series of Unfortunate Events Part 1

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Kennedy stood, looking out from the Jedi Cruiser bridge to the planet in the distance with her hands clasped behind her back. She and Obi-Wan were on a mission to negotiate a peace treaty between two systems that were fighting over a hyperspace lane. Kennedy's first real "peacekeeper" mission since she became a Padawan.

The cold of space was starting to take over her fingers as she stood there, thinking of ideas of how to help the mission.

She made her way toward the war room that was connected to the opposite side of the bridge from the windows. Obi-Wan was waiting inside, leaning over a holo-map of the two systems.

He didn't look up from the map as he said, "I have to admit, I kind of miss chasing Sith Lords."

"You and me both, General. All this negotiation is making me itch to shoot some clankers," Cody said from across the holo-table from Obi-Wan.

"Is this really all the Jedi did before the war?" Kennedy asked, also staring at the holo-map.

Neither system wanted to concede the hyperspace lane so they had come to a standstill.

"Yes and no. Though this was most of it." Obi-Wan paused as if reliving the good memories of life before the war. "I almost forgot what it was like. This war has gone on-"

The holo-map flickered and was then replaced by a hologram of Master Windu with a look of worry she had never seen the Jedi wear before.

"Master Windu," Obi-Wan greeted, throwing a concerned look over to Kennedy.

"Master Kenobi, Padawan Odessa, we ask that you return to Coruscant immediately," Windu ordered, his tone was tainted with distress.

"Immediately? But we've only just begun our negotiations. Did something happen?" Obi-Wan asked. For a second, Kennedy was relieved. This mission was going to be painfully dull, she would take any excuse to get out.

"The Jedi Temple has been bombed. We request all council members be present for our emergency meeting."

Silence. That was not the reason Kennedy wanted when she wanted to get out of the mission.

Obi-wan and Kennedy looked at each other with wide eyes. Kennedy gaped, unable to form any words.

Obi-Wan found words first and turned back to the hologram. "We're on our way now, Master Windu."

The hologram flicked off.

Obi-Wan looked to Cody who needed no instruction

Cody nodded, "Setting course for Coruscant, Sir." He quickly left, probably barking orders into his helmet but Kennedy didn't listen. All she could think about was what Master Windu has just revealed.

"The Jedi Temple...bombed? Who would do such a thing? Why?" Her voice was breathy as she couldn't believe the words she repeated.

The temple was a sacred place. To bomb it would've had to have been a huge plan. Kennedy didn't want to even begin to think how some sick and twisted person planned to harm innocent people like that.

He crossed his arms and rubbed his chin. "Hopefully we'll find out soon enough. This war is getting uglier by the day."


Kennedy paced outside the Jedi Council Chambers, waiting for Anakin and Ahsoka to come out. She was not invited inside and Obi-Wan would be stuck in meetings all day so he gave her the day off.

After what felt like forever, the chamber doors finally slid open and Anakin and Ahsoka exited.

She rushed over to them and fell in step beside them. "Well?" she asked eagerly, wanting to see if they were given any information as to what happened.

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