I Will Follow You to Hell and Back

Start from the beginning

She made to hug him, but he said, "Touch me and you're dead, Dellatorre."

Giuliano rubbed the back of his head, dark circles under his russet eyes. "So reckless, man. What the hell happened?"

Luca explained how he'd found her in the snow, and how they'd sheltered in place in a nearby hunting cabin. Margherita's face was puce.

Lorenzo stomped away, clearly upset, to call Murani, putting an end to the emergency.

Stefania exhaled. "All's well what ends well!" Her uncharacteristic behavior, more than her misquote, piqued Giuliano's curiosity.

Giuliano asked, "Dellatorre, what's in your pocket? You've been fiddling with it for a while."

She immediately withdrew her hand. Guilt had rendered Margherita's necklace, in her pocket, heavier and hotter than physics should have allowed. "Nothing. Why?"

He stalked to her. "Show me."

Stefania stepped backward, panic spreading to her features, but Sam reached into her pocket from behind so swiftly, she didn't even realize it.

The necklace saw the light.

"I'm so sorry!" Stefania exclaimed, panicking. "It was supposed to be a stupid prank! I had no idea..."

After a split-second of silence, two things happened at once; Margherita reached for her necklace, red-faced and teary-eyed, and Luca plopped on a couch, completely at a loss for words: had Margherita been wearing his necklace the whole time? More likely, she'd brought it to return it to him.

Meanwhile, Margherita, muttered, "It's okay. You didn't know about the storm."

"I didn't!" Stefania replied. "I'm so sorry!"

Re muttered, "Pretty stupid prank." Then he caught Lorenzo's dead stare; was Lollo also pondering about the necklace? Was he jealous?

Margherita added, "I'm dying for a hot shower."

Sam grinned. "No kidding. Who knows what happened in that cabin...forced to take off your clothes and huddle for warmth."

Margherita blushed purple. Re choked. Lorenzo's mouth opened but only for his soul to depart for he might as well be dead. Giuliano bopped Sam on the head.

Margherita started up the stairs but grimaced as soon she put weight on her left ankle.

Re was right behind her. "Do you need help?"

She turned. Their faces were way too close with her up one step. So close. Images of the two of them, half-naked, hugging under the blankets, were still so present to be almost physical. She hugged herself, blushing madly. Luca could not look away.

Chiara teased, "Plenty of bedrooms upstairs, if you're a thing, now."

"We're not!" They answered at once.

"Wow, you're in total sync," Sam observed.

Giuliano burst out laughing. Margherita limped up the stairs.

Re, frazzled, went in the opposite direction, full of purpose, opening what happened to be a closet full of brooms. Flustered, he pretended as if nothing had happened, closed the door, and retreated to the kitchen.

The gang spent the rest of the day mostly resting, and on Sunday, they all left to get back to Milan.

The gang spent the rest of the day mostly resting, and on Sunday, they all left to get back to Milan

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