Sakura on the other side, was having a midlife crisis

Her eyes went wide. She couldn't believe this man... This gorgeous man was her porn addict, free loading, jonin sensei and now her brother

His bedroom eyes half lidded, porcelain skin, sharp jawline and defined facial features

"See, Kura. Behind this mask it's just a normal face"

He said, but when he opened his eye his smile faltered. He looked at her really concerned

Sakura looked pale, her mouth agape, her eyes wide and it looked like she froze like a statue

Everyone looked at her, some curiously and the other's concernly

"You okay, Sakura-chan?"

Rin asked

Breaking Sakura from her daze. But that seems to be a worse idea as her breathing became uneven. Everyone's eyes widen in concern when she put a hand over her heart

Rin quickly understood something was wrong and she tried to reach her but before she could, Sakura's eyes rolled back and she passed out

Luckily, Obito caught her before she could hit the floor

"Sakura-chan/ blossom"

Everyone cried out, quickly coming closer to her

Sakumo quickly picked her up and took her to her room, laying her down on the bed

He gave Rin space to check her. She didn't for some time before asking for a glass of water

"What happened to her, Rin?"

Obito asked, looking really concerned

Everyone in the room was freaking out. Kayomi was crying rivers. Sakumo and Kakashi looked distressed

"I don't know.... It looks like she was shocked and that's all I could say"

She informed

Kushina quickly gave a glass of water to Rin. She took the glass and lightly sprayed some water on Sakura's face. she started to wake up

Obito came closer to Kakashi

"Bakashi.... What did you do?"

He whisper yelled

"What do you mean!? I didn't do anything. I didn't even move from my place "

Kakashi whispered back

Soon Sakura's lashes flattered open

Everyone sighed in relief, they talked to her and helped her up. Soon kakashi came and sat beside her

"Are you okay now Sakura-chan "

He asked, patting her back shootingly

Sakura stared at him with a blank look before looking back at Obito. A sweet smile came to her lips

"Obito-kun ~~~"

She sang out, her voice was like sweetness dripping like honey

"I didn't do anything! Please let me live. I don't wanna die a virgin again"

Obito restored as quickly as he could and his behind Rin. He didn't have any plans to die today. But looked like Destiny had other plans for him

Everyone quickly went away from her. Minato and kushina were dragged away by the ito couple

"What are you doing, dattebane?"

Kushina asked, not wanting to leave Sakura

"Saving your life"

Kayomi said while dragging her to the corner of the room in a safe space where they could be spared from the anger of their dear darling daughter

"I didn't say you did anything. But can you please pass me the books there"

She said with the same sweet smile and voice

Rin was uncomfortably squirming

Obito gulped and brought the very heavy stacks of books from the table beside.

He was in no condition to deny what she said, or else there will be a very hefty price to pay and he wasn't gonna take that risk. He still was a single and didn't want to die a virgin

She took one of the book, then looked at Kakashi. Who gave her a smile but soon it faded when Sakura threw the book at him

He ducked down just in time before she could be head him with a book

"You asshole!"

She yelled, repeatedly cursing and throwing books at Kakashi.

Kakashi very painfully kept dodging the books as he asked

"But what did I do!?"

He asked, still dodging the books that were thrown at him

"How dare you hide that handsome face from me! Even after you saw me pining over Sasuke for half of my life! How could you be so heartless!"

Sakura cried out

Obito, Rin , Sakumo, Kayomi, Minato and kushina's jaw hit the floor

"What does Sasuke have to do in how I look like!? Ouch"

He said, dodging

"You asshole, if you showed me your face, I'd go for you instead. I wouldn't have to go after Sasuke and we'd be married by now. But your ass didn't, now you're my brother!"

Sakura yelled back at him

This time she was successful with hitting him right in the face

"But I was your sensei and almost twice your age, how could you marry me"

Kakashi demanded an answer

"Age is just a number and how I would marry you, That is mine problem to solve. You tell me how could you hide this gorgeous face from me all my life!"

She demanded, glaring at him as she ran out of books to hit him with

That the time Kakashi took a deep sigh... His dear sister still had the same problem and weakness

This is all the proof he needs

Just like Sakura Haruno, Ito Sakura also had the weakness of a pretty face

Obito and Kushina were laughing their asses off. Rin and Kayomi were the same

Minato just felt pity for Kakashi

Sakumo sighed, looking at the unbelievable scene Infront of him

His son was right. His strong daughter had a weakness

That is a pretty face


He left a nother heavy sigh, this is gonna be a hard world for his baby blossom

"I guess she really is like her mom"

Sakumo thought to himself with a sigh, remembering his beloved wife also having the same problem

The Blossom Sorcerer [ Naruto x Jujutsu kaisen ]Where stories live. Discover now