"Did you just accidentally do a patronus charm?" Lily asks staring at Lia wide-eyed, Lia does a quick look at her wand before shrugging,

"It is impossible for someone to do if they are using dark magic," Lia adds and she turns to face Umbridge and then the Slytherin table.

"And how do you know that?" Umbridge says like she herself is unsure of it, I look to the side quickly and see Prongs, Pads, and Wormtail paying more attention to the lesson than they ever have.

"Tell me if people in Azkaban could cast a patronus would there be any point?" Lia says bored and you can hear the sass about to come out of her,

"They don't have wand-"

"People in Azkaban are dark powerful witches and wizards and you think they can't do wandless magic?" She scoffs rolling her eyes eyes not even letting Umbridge finish, I hear the boys snickering beside me and many people whispering around obviously not having thought about this before.

"Do you think you could cast a Patronus without happy memories?" Umbridge snaps back at Lia with a hard edge to her words. The class falls silent again the attention evenly divided between Umbridge and Lia,

"You don't need happy memories to cast a Patronus charm," Lia argues rolling her eyes with a cunning smile that makes me shiver again reminding me why she was almost put in Slytherin,

"Are you stupid Gryffindor? You just said you needed one before!" Avery laughs and all the Slytherins join in, to everyone's shock Lia laughs knowingly,

"Oh how you underestimate me, Avery," She says sniffling a laugh, and places her wand on the desk as she faces us again. "This patronus was originally made by Godric and Salazar to find your soulmate, this patronus isn't my own but my supposed soulmate's," She explains leaving the class confused. Lia holds one hand lazily in front of her and my eyes widen at the realisation she is about to not only do a difficult spell but a different version of it. Wandlessy. "Expecto patronum" Lia says the spell strongly and confidently, but I notice the flash of pain like a ghost haunting her go through her eyes. At first silver lights flow from her fingers before a wolf jumps from her hand and runs around the room. Mine and the Marauders' mouths drop before James and Peter are hitting me,

"Moony that's your patronus!" James whisper yells

"Holy shit!" Peter adds hitting me as well,

"No way in Godric!" Sirius whispers across James looking at me, That's my patronus, I think shocked not realising the small smile sliding onto my face. Everyone is whispering shocked at the feat Lia just performed, she just did an extremely powerful spell without her wand at the age of 16. Once we settled down slightly Lia talks again,

 "That Avery is a Patronus charm without happy memories,"  She states smugly looking with a deep smirk on her face,

"If it's not happy memories then what memories?" Avery asks annoyed and curious while glaring at Lia,

"Why would I tell you when you, Murciber, and the Carrows are most likely to end up in Azkaban?" Lia deadplains with a sly smug almost evil look on her face. She grabs her stuff and struts right out the door, leaving the class and Umbridge to process what she has said. I was wrong she could rattle me more, I think staring at the door Lia just left.

"Hem Hem," Umbridge says her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, "Write down the notes I wrote on the board before the class is over or detention," She points to the notes Lia wrote on the board, I glare at her for daring to try to take claim over Lia's knowledge,

"Those are Nat's notes! You didn't write them! The notes you wrote made no sense!" Sirius yells defending Nat and myself and the rest of the Gryffindor nod and mumble in agreement and Umbridge's cheeks flush a deeper pink with more embarrassment.  


"Come on Moony only a bit further!" I faintly hear Peter tell me, as Sirius and James drag me the last bit of the way into the shack. I can feel my legs dragging behind me, when we enter the shack Wolfy is sitting there watching the door we just came through. Her eyes lock on mine before she pads forward to me as Prongs and Padfoot put me down. Wolfy places her head on my lap looking up at me whining softly. I almost want to smile but a deep familiar pain courses through my bones. I let out screams that sound inhuman when Wolfy scampers away from me while I shift. The last things I see when I feel Moony take over are my friends in their animagi forms and Wolfy sitting in front of me with a few tears shining on her fur, But they can't be, can they? She doesn't know me, why would Wolfy cry for me?


I feel tears leak from my eyes as I watch Remus transform into Moony, One day I swear I'm going to kill Greyback, I think bitterly as Moony moves forward to greet each of us by nudging us softly. I lick Moony's cheek in return when my ears twitch at a creaking noise, looking under Moony's belly I see Snape standing there wide-eyed. Moony quickly whips around his calm state long gone and is now on a killing rampage, James as Prongs runs forward, sweeping Snape up in his antlers, and runs out of the shack. Moony tries to run after them but Padfoot jumps on Moony stopping him from going after them. Wormtail scurries out after James to help him with Snape, Why didn't I know about this?! I think panicked, I take the chance and swiftly shift back to myself and cast multiple extra protective charms before shifting back into what the boys call Wolfy. Moony whips his head around towards me and I realise I was too slow my human scent caught his attention. Moony takes a swipe at me and I jump awkwardly to avoid it and land weirdly on my back left leg and fall to the ground with a loud yelp then wince of pain. Somehow my cry of pain snapped Moony back to his more docile state as he calms down mostly and is now whimpering what must be some form of apology. I stay lying down and lick his cheek hoping that he understands I am accepting his apology. Padfoot stays with Moony and me, the boys play for a long while before finally settling down. Moony settles down behind me, his tail settling over my back as I slowly drift off to sleep focusing on the soft fur on Moony's tail not the throbbing pain in my back leg.

I wake up earlier than the boys are normal and wince at the claw marks on Remus' back from Sirius jumping on him stopping Moony from attacking Prongs and Snape. I pull out my first aid stuff from under the floorboards and gently heal the gashes as best I can,

"Je suis désolé que cela soit arrivé mon loup" I murmur to Remus and hear movement beside me, I quickly jump up and shove my medical stuff under the floorboard and shift into Wolfy before sprinting out of the room just in time, my heart jumping out of my chest.


Je suis désolé que cela soit arrivé mon loup - I'm sorry that this happened my wolf

The Girl From Tomorrow ~ Remus Lupin ~ Marauders Time TravelWhere stories live. Discover now