158: General Knowledge About the Apocalyptic Worlds

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B. Rabbit's five underlings continued eating happily with the same expressions; on the other hand, Xueqin and the three other women immediately showed interest.

Just when they were about to ask more questions, B. Rabbit waved them off with his paw sternly, exuding a 'shut up and listen to me' aura.

'Well, you've been a Boss for a long time.' Lin Sanjiu couldn't help stifling her laughter.

"It is said that Twelve Worlds Centrum had already existed for many years. The people who traverse among these twelve worlds are also very secretive. For some reason, any consular officer who ended up in the Twelve Worlds Centrum or were born there would find changes to their consular officer database."

"What sort of changes?" Bai Xiaoke immediately offered the rabbit a little egg jerky very tactfully.

"Let me use Sian as an example." B. Rabbit took a bite without holding back, "Most of the time, he usually lives in two of the worlds among the Twelve Worlds Centrum. So, within the 146 visas, he can issue around 30 for these two worlds. He also has over ten visas for one of the other worlds in the Twelve Worlds Centrum."

Just when Lin Sanjiu was thinking about how Sian could settle down in two worlds, she silently scolded herself for her stupidity—all he had to do was find another consular officer who lived in the Twelve Worlds Centrum to exchange visas. With that, he could travel and live between two worlds.

"Even though the Twelve Worlds Centrum also only consists of Apocalyptic Worlds, due to their special status, they have supposedly been beautifully constructed... there are landscapers and an endless stream of heavy traffic. Everything works in an orderly manner. It is almost like the pre-apocalyptic world!" B. Rabbit certainly looked a little eager to go to those worlds. "Imagine a place where you don't have to worry about food and lodging. Of course, there is a high demand for visas to places like these. Not only are they the most expensive, but the consular officers would also usually finish issuing these visas first."

'This isn't all that hard to imagine.' Lin Sanjiu didn't expect that Twelve Worlds Centrum would be like this. For a moment, she wondered how the worlds were reconstructed and started hoping to see those worlds. However, she remembered Puppeteer and sighed inwardly.

"Other than these 40 or so visas leading to the Twelve Worlds Centrum, Sian has only two visa types. The first type is the one that you mentioned. What is that guy's name...? Whatever. A person could go to a world six months before the apocalyptic event. This sort of visa is a little more expensive. After all, you would have six months to prepare.

"As for the other type, this is the most common visa a consular officer can issue and the cheapest. This is also the type of visa we got. Sian had already sold all the better visas. When it was our turn, he only had three visas to three normal apocalyptic worlds. That was just enough for me, Hu Changzai, and Executive Hai." B. Rabbit shook his legs carelessly. When he saw that everyone was focused on him, he felt it was a waste that they didn't have a podium. If he could say that on a podium, how impressive-looking would that be?

That was a little too much new information for Lin Sanjiu to process. She crooked her head and thought for some time before asking, "If you got three visas to three random places, why did you guys still exchange your items for them?"

'How is this any different from being sent away randomly?' she thought.

"Um. As Sayo and Sian are friends, he told us a lot about these visas..." B. Rabbit replied immediately, "I also asked the same question then. Within the consular officer database, there are two rules. Firstly, there are consular officers in a world where you can go with a visa. This means that if we keep getting visas, we will eventually have a chance to reach the Twelve Worlds Centrum. Once we reached the Twelve World Centrum, everything would be different. Think about it; that crowded place would have a mature administrative system. If you were to look for a consular officer, you would only have to go to the Consular Officer Association. If you had money, you could obtain the visas for these twelve worlds in different orders. You wouldn't ever have to drift aimlessly and suffer in an unknown world!"

That's right. For all of them, it was heartwarming even to know that there was a way to escape these nightmarish apocalyptical days and lead a stable life without constantly worrying about survival.

Bai Xiaoke raised a thumb and summoned an escort who started cleaning up the mess on the floor while she asked, "What is the second rule?"

"The world you would be sent to via a visa isn't entirely random." B. Rabbit found it a little hard to explain the next part of what he wanted to say, so he gave an example, "For example, if 100 people would arrive at the Garden of Eden each time. Maybe within these 100 people, only one person gets a normal visa. This person would go to the same place where at least one of the 99 people would be randomly sent. It's something like that."

He found it rather confusing, so he checked again, "Do you understand?"

The twin sisters nodded quickly. The younger sister, Empiricism, had a downward pointing arrow scratched on her arm by B. Rabbit. With an expressionless face, she added, "Of course! Boss' logically constructed sentences are super clear."

Lin Sanjiu was speechless; she rolled her eyes and looked at the ceiling.

Even though B. Rabbit was wearing a goth outfit and seemed smarter than before. This was a little too...

"So, the destination of the normal visas is chosen from one of the destinations that the other people in the same world would be sent to... Is that it?" Xueqin tried to clarify.

"Yes." B. Rabbit gave her an aloof nod. Then, he pushed the can of beer. The beer fell on its side with a 'clink,' "Can you understand now? We hoped that at least one of us would meet you when we split up!"

Lin Sanjiu felt a wave of emotions, but she didn't want the others to see it. She lowered her head, feeling a little embarrassed. She rubbed B. Rabbit's fur and whispered, "I know, I know..."

Lin Sanjiu and B. Rabbit kept quiet for some time while the others continued discussing. After that, she asked, "If that is the case, we can only count on our luck to meet Hu Changzai and Hai Tianqing again?"

B. Rabbit used his teeth to open a second can of beer. He paused and replied, "That isn't the case. We met this girl called Sayo, right? Oh, she likes Executive Hai. I don't know why she has such an acquired taste. Anyway, she was born in one of the worlds within the Twelve Worlds Centrum. She has quite a few different bases in numerous worlds. She told us that once we reach the Twelve Worlds Centrum, we could leave a sign at her place..."

Lin Sanjiu nodded silently.

There was now an additional reason why they had to get a visa. She slowly looked at Xueqin, Bai Xiaoke, and Hui Chuyan. She felt obligated to protect and care for these young women who trusted and followed her. Unfortunately, they came here at different times; she couldn't do much once they separated.

But if they could all reach the Twelve Worlds Centrum, it would be a different story.

The issue was finding a consular officer. But where could they find one now?

She turned behind and asked, "You guys have been lording over this place for so long. I am sure you must have met quite a few people. Are you sure you didn't even encounter a single consular officer?"

She didn't expect that this question would reveal B. Rabbit's worries.

He sighed, "It's quite strange. Initially, quite a few posthumans were traveling through here. However, we haven't seen any living person in the past month or two. If you guys didn't come here, we were planning to move to another place..."

When she heard that B. Rabbit was planning to go to another place, Lin Sanjiu was slightly stunned. She suddenly remembered her Dog Frisbee. Before this, she thought the base Green Melon mentioned was Er Dao's old home. However, when she took out her [Dog Frisbee], the LED lights still shone brightly.

'Where the hell did Er Dao set that geographic marker?'

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