In fact, tomorrow was our 2 month anniversary, and I was taking Annabeth on a picnic date at the lake. I already had her anniversary gift all picked out: it was a bracelet with Ancient Greece style waves made of grey jewels. The grey would bring out her eyes; I was sure of it. And the waves reminded me of our underwater kiss! What more perfect gift could there be?

Annabeth and I retreated into my bedroom to catch up without Paul and Mom listening in. I wasn't too worried about them, but it was nice to just be alone with Annabeth again. It felt natural.

"And Hera went haywire when I turned down her idea for peacock feather curtains, but I was glad to make her mad. Every chance I get. Oh! Hestia asked if I would say hi to you. Your father says he wants to go on a fishing trip with you sometime, so I said I would let you know. Other than that, not much has happened. Apollo and Artemis won't stop fighting, and it's going to drive me insane!" Annabeth rambled about how things were up on Mount Olympus while I sat there listening. "You know, it's amazing how quickly some kids are getting claimed now. Have I told you how grateful I am that you made them that deal?"

I laughed a bit and pulled her closer to me. Just after the war, when the gods had given Annabeth the job of Olympus redesigner, they had also offered me something. Immortality. Zeus said I was crazy for turning it down, but what he didn't know was that I would be crazy to take it. Because there Annabeth was, and there was no way I was going to be immortal without her. So yeah, I turned down immortality, but I honestly don't get why it's such a big deal.

"How about you? Tell me about school," Annabeth looked up at me, expecting some great story.

"Well, I haven't blown it up yet, so I guess that's a good thing!" I laughed a bit with Annabeth.

"You do seem to have a knack for that. Which is ironic considering the whole water control thing!"

We talked and held hands until Mom called us out for dinner, which so happened to be lasagna. Lasagna was amazing no matter what.

The rest of the day had passed quickly. Annabeth had went to bed almost right after dinner, but I would be willing to bet she didn't get to sleep very easily. I don't understand how she keeps so much information in her brain: I'm pretty sure I would explode. Not even joking.

Despite my attempt at procrastinating, I had pages upon pages of homework I needed to do. If only Annabeth were awake, she would certainly help me.

And before I knew it, I had drifted off into a dreamless night. Huh. That's rare.

The next day dragged on much too slowly for my liking. Annabeth had left early in the morning, and school was just as torturous as ever. I'm pretty sure the teachers actually tried to make it seem like jail.

But finally, the last bell rang and I was free to go. In three hours I would be picking Annabeth up in Paul's car from Mount Olympus, and we would be off on our date.

Of course this one night couldn't be easy, though. The gods would never let me have an easy night.

I picked Wise Girl up at 6:30, and our date had started. We drove the distance to the lake, chatting the entire time. By chatting, I mean complaining about the gods. Which is probably what got me in this predicament. 

I don't know if the god of sickness is Apollo or someone else, but thanks for ruining a perfectly good evening with my favorite person in the world.

Not even halfway through the date, Annabeth passed out. I freaked out for a minute, like any rational person would do, then remembered what my mom had said about when people pass out. Once Annabeth had woken up, I walked her to the car, helped her lay down in the back, and drove home.

Lovers QuestOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora