Chapter. 3

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Once the Ghouls, Ghoulletts, and Copia arrive at the venue, the demonic creatures put up their glamor and get out of the bus to go to work, setting some stuff up from the show and already preparing their instruments.

Sodo and Swiss both keep on stealing glances at the other as they work on their own little tasks while the others start to secretly make bets on how the concert, or also called 'ritual' is going to go for them.

"Do you think the most tension would be on stage, on the way back, or back at the Ministry?" Aether asks while tuning his guitar.

"I bet 10 on tension on stage and then just getting more on the way back and back in the Ministry." Cumulus, who is sitting next to the Quintessence-ghoul replies.

"Hmm, I rather think that it will be a bit awkward at first and later on in the ritual Swiss will tease Sodo from the other side of the stage or run over, depending on what Copia allows him to do, and than just creating more and more tension." Sunshine, the Fire-ghoullett chimes in as she walks over to the other two.

"Yea, I can see that happening." Mountain, who is carrying parts of his drums and walking next to Sunshine, agrees.

"This is definitely going to be funny to watch." Copia, who suddenly appeared next to the others with a plastic cup that says "titts and beer, that's why I'm here" on it.

"Where the fuck did you come from-?" Mountain asks while looking down at the singer who stands directly next to him.

"I've been here the whole time, you giant." He replies and takes a sip, keeping eye contact with the Earth-ghoul the whole time before getting flicked against the forehead.


Roughly 15 minutes before the show starts, Swiss is in the changing room painting his lower face, that shows under the mask, black with some face paint and putting on black lipstick while quietly doing some voice exercises, stopping when he hears the door open. "I will be out in a few, Rat man, don't worry." He calls while continuing to paint over his stubble.

"Wrong person." The voice of the Fire-ghoul's says from behind the taller Ghoul, making a small smile appear on Swiss's lips but not turn around.

"Oh? And how do I get the honor of you visiting me before the ritual?" The Multi-ghoul asks while washing out the flat brush he used to paint his lower face and taking a makeup sponge with black powder before applying it on top of the paint so it won't move around or rub off on stage.

"Nothing, just wanted to see if I can make fun of you for being nervous, but it doesn't seem like it." The other replied with an eye roll which made the Swiss laugh in reply before looking at the Fire-ghoul.

"You sure you're only here to make fun of me?" The taller asks with a little grin while pointing to the long hair that is still hanging over Sodo's shoulders. "And not for help?"

The other crosses his arms in front of his chest and turns his head away from Swiss.

The Multi-ghoul smiles and gets up while grabbing the hair tie that he keeps in his pocket ever since Sodo got more comfortably around him, and walks over to the Fire-ghoul, stopping half a meter away from him. "Want me to help you tie it up?" He asks with a gentle smile, waiting for the shorter man to respond with a nod, a yes, or just to step closer.

Sodo lets out a grumble and takes a step closer before turning around and holding a brush out to the other.

A little grin tugs at the other Ghoul's lips while he takes the brush and carefully but thoroughly brushes it, making sure to be very gentle.

The Fire-ghoul lets out a sigh and closes his eyes, letting his body relax one last time before the show as the other brushes his hair and puts it into a low ponytail before making a tight bun, securing it with another hair tie.

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