Chapter 3

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Kyle's P.O.V

As I drive my bike towards the club, another biker pulls up to my right. Their helmet has two ears, resembling some cat. I am totally flabbergasted. To my right stands a new Ducati; I once saw it in a magazine, but I didn't imagine seeing it with my own eyes. It looks beautiful, from the frame to the sound of the engine. I point at the light, shouting:

Me: Wanna race?

???: Sure, what capacity?

Me: 1000cc.

???: Let's do it. I have to test my new baby.

The voice sounds very feminine, so I assume it's a girl. But that doesn't matter. I have to win this because my baby has to keep its pride of being undefeated. As I rev my engine, getting ready to take off, the light turns green, and I let go of the clutch, accelerating like a rocket.

And, well, I lost. How did this happen? We started equally, riding head to head, and in the last seconds of the race, she somehow accelerated, and I lost. Very shameful. I need a drink, very much. As I'm thinking about how I lost, I feel a hand on my shoulder. Turning around, I see the driver of the Ducati.

Me: So, are you going to laugh your ass off? What happened there? How did you accelerate when we were going 250 km/h?

???: First, yes, I am going to laugh. And second, this bike I'm riding uses hextech technology, unlike yours. I have some magic buttons here and there that helped me a little. But what can I say, skill issue.

When I heard this, I nearly snapped. A skill issue? That's straight up cheating.

Me: Hehe, you've got to be kidding me. I heard about cars with hextech technology, but bikes? Where do you get it from?

???: Don't ask me; I'm just a customer, and this baby is my new favorite. This thing is fast as hell.

Me: Haaa, I guess I have to admit defeat. Name is Kyle.

???: Names Akali.

Me: Nice to meet you.

As I was too focused on my lost race, I didn't notice; we arrived at the Diamond Club. I take off my helmet as she does the same, and I have to say, this girl is cute.

Me: Cute.

Akali: What?

Me: Nothing, just saying something to myself.

As I look at her, I see that she heard me because the blush on her face betrayed her. But I am here for other reasons, so I have to hurry the heck up.

Me: It was good to talk to you, but I have to hurry up. I wish we meet someday. I wave at her.

Akali: Wait, give me your numbe—

As she was saying something, I run. I don't know who that girl was that tugged on my hoodie, but I have to find her. I don't have time to chat for now. As I run through the club, onto the VIP section, I catch something interesting in my eye.

Eve's P.O.V

As I was about to get punched, I heard some breaking sounds. Opening my eyes, I saw Kyle punching those guys in the face, breaking his nose. From my side, his nose looked like an 'L,' but it's not for me to judge.

Kyle: You alright? In a rugged tone.

Me: Yes, I am good.

Kyle: I see. So tell me, why did this guy try to punch you? Like punching a woman, what a disgrace to the male community. He spits at the already passed-out guy.

As I watch him from toes to head, I finally notice this guy is a behemoth, gigantic. I am 100% sure I would feel safe in those arms.

Kyle: So I wonder who was that girl. He murmurs.

With my enchanted hearing, I understand what he was saying, and I immediately say,

Me: It's probably me.

Kyle: What? Wait, don't tell me, did you tug on my hoodie before?

Me: Yes, that was me. So what was tha—

I don't get to end my sentence as he catches my wrist and drags me into a private booth.

Kyle: Listen, you haven't seen anything; I did nothing.

I smirk; it's a good situation to get myself some kind of protection from these little shits.

Me: Don't worry, darling, you just have to do me some favors, and we are good.

Kyle: As long as I can do it, you just have to be quiet; otherwise, he points his fingers at my forehead, you will disappear. Wicked grin.

And when he does that, I immediately know he is the one. It's the perfect bodyguard. If I can make him fall for me, it will grant me impenetrable protection.

Me: Don't worry; I won't tell a soul. But for now, I have to go. See you at uni, Kyle.

As I begin to walk out of the private room, I turn towards Kyle and toss him a paper.

Me: I nearly forgot. Here is my number. Call me tomorrow morning.

And I left.

Kyle's P.O.V

As I watch Eve leave, my mind starts to calculate what she wants from me. But, on the other hand, it just had to be one of the most popular girls at my uni. Sudden realization wait, that girl that raced me before was Akali, another one of KD/A members. Nice, I got another headache.

3rd P.O.V

Kyle sat back in the private booth, processing the events that just unfolded. 

His attention shifted back to the unconscious guys on the floor, wondering if they had any connection to Eve. As he scanned the room, he noticed the glances and whispers from the people who witnessed his intervention.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to make his way out of the VIP section, trying to blend in with the crowd. The music was pounding, and the neon lights danced around, creating an atmosphere that temporarily distracted him from the chaos he had just left behind.

Outside the club, he leaned against his bike, lit up cigarette, still replaying the events in his mind. The roar of the engines and the chatter of the nightlife surrounded him. As he pulled out his phone to check the time, he noticed the paper with Eve's number. Little did he know, this encounter would set off a series of events that would intertwine his life with the mysterious and intriguing Eve.

Meanwhile, Akali was still at the club, enjoying the night with her new Ducati. Unaware of the unfolding drama, she reveled in the adrenaline rush from the earlier race and the thrill of the hextech-powered bike beneath her.

As the night continued, the paths of these characters became intertwined, creating a web of connections, secrets, and unexpected alliances in the city's vibrant nightlife. The diamond club was not just a place for entertainment; it was the stage for a complex drama that was about to unfold.


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