Chapter 1

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Since I was a kid, I remember my mother's word: "Kyle if you're too weak to do something, don't fear asking for help", and I thought that asking for help was fine, it was fine to be weak. And how wrong was I, to this day I can't forget that day. My father was from Poland, when he was a kid, he was taught to be tough and strong man, and he wanted the same for me, so he took me to fight club, place where illegal fight taken place, and at that day he told me something that changed my entire life: "Son remember only those who are strong can achieve something, when you are weak you can't do anything, because sooner or later you will give up". And at that time I was focused on only one thing, being strong and PERFECT. For the entire school time my life looked like loop: wake up, go for a run, go to school, go to gym, eat, fighting lessons, eat and go to sleep. And finally in my last year of high school I achieved it, perfect physique. I still lived in Poland, but my dream was to become soldier, so enlisted and after two years, I joined Grom special forces, I went to different places in world, I killed countless terrorist, but I still remembered about being perfect, so I left at age of 23. After that I went to University in Pilotover and this is where my story begins.

??? P.O.V

???: Wake up! Wake the fuck-up, we will be late.

I shoot open my eyes, and it hit me, fucking hangover.

???:Eve, we will be late for class if you don't start getting up.

And these word woke me up better than any coffee, I was ready to leave in 5 min, of course I didn't eat anything but classes are more important than this.

3 hours later

Me: Fuck I am so tired, I need coffee, I need something to eat.

???: Eve, I got phone from Eric, today we are going to club, so be ready at 7p.m. I gotta go find some nice clothes. Bye

Me: Fine Ahri, fine I will be ready

And another day of drinking, and meeting those little shits. Only one thing in their minds, how to get one of us in bed?.

I separated from Ahri and went to local Café, only one person was here, some hooded guy I saw him in class, I think his name was Kyle, but I don't remember his surname It's too hard to remember. He looks big, but I never saw him without hood, so I can't tell whatever he is handsome and well build or just ugly and fat. I pay no mind to him, and I started to order things for myself.

Kyle P.O.V

I was sitting at Café, then doors opened and someone walked in, and I immediately recognized her, it was Evelynn one of K/DA members, its most popular group in our University, if you are friends with them, you are famous, they are like goddesses for those kid, but for me, they are like everybody. So I went to eating my croissant with chocolate. After eating it I went outside and walked towards my apartment, after leaving army I had money saved up, so I can afford it. It was a big penthouse, inside was modern and tidy, it was perfect.

Me: Alexa. turn on lights and TV.

Alexa: Turning on, TV and Lights.

I went into the kitchen to unpack goods from the Café, after that I went to personal gym, to train my body. Body one of my obsession's, I can't imagine living with a fragile and weak body, it's too unrealistic for me.

3 hours later

My phone ringed, and I saw a message from my Father.


Big G: Any plans for tonight?

Little G: No

Big G: Loser

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