Chapter 2

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Katarina P.O.V

He drove me to some kind of warehouse, i don't ever remember how we got here. But coming back to what happening in front of me. We can see my dear friend Kyle, smiling with his gun pointed at me. 

Kyle: Soooo, what can you offer me?

Me: I already told you, money is the only thing I have right now.

Kyle: I have enough money for my entire life to live pretty stable life, so that doesn't interest me. Besides i can hand you to Order and i will get even more money than you can offer. So any other things?

Me: Nope 

Kyle: Kat, can you elaborate to me why i got contract, with your face at first page, like look when you were leavin you told me, you are retiring from this.

Me: You see Kyle, i cant just retire from this, besides i was low on money  and living poor is not my style son i came back

Kyle: Haaa, and my headache is back, good luck me. *radnom hand sings* fuck it.

Me: listen i have a deal for u, how about we forg-

Kyle:Shut up, liste here you little shit, i got enough problems on my head, some girl from uni saw me knocing out two guys, tomorrow i will propably hear about it, and have massive headache.

Me: So what do you propose?

Kyle: You will work here as a maid. You know usual work, and i will pay you good. You stop with killing and i will persuade order to not killing you.

Me: you good in head? Me a maid, look at me do i look to you like maid?.

Kyle: no but you will, you start tomorrow *takes out knife and unties me* so prepare yourself and see you.

And he walks away, in what kind of shit i got myself. Okay kat you can do it just normal work like everyone else.
Ughhaaa me a fucking maid. I CANT, I CANT FUCKING KYLE, I WILL GET MY REVAGE.

Kyle P.O.V

And another succes, maid found, i had plans for finding one but look at that one walked right into me. How lucky i can be. *Start grinning*

But well i have another problem, i need to go to this fucking club and persuade this girl into forgetting everything, but who was she? Thats better question.

*I walk up to my bike and drive towards nightclub*

But back to going all party mode.

Evelynn P.O.V

So holyshit, what was that? Kyle gloomy looking guy just walked into club, knocked up some guards and went out with Katarina.
I need a drink or two.......maybe three.

???:c'mon eve you gotta party.

I Immediately recognize this voice. Its kai'sa, but wait kai drinking? I look up to see some little shits behind her giggling to themselfs, i look at kai and she looks a little drugged.

Me:kai i think ita enough for you.

Kai: dont say that look how much i am having

Me:yes, with guys who just poured some shit to your drink.

These guys had most priceless looks of surprise on their faces.

Guy1: we havent done anything.

Me:look here, i can regonize when someone is drugged, and she looks like someone from diffrent world, so just fuck off.

And telling that maybe was not the brightest idea, i am alone here vs two guys, and one of them realized that.

*Guy2 prepares to punch me*

I just closed my eyes waiting for hit but nothing came towards me. And in the same moment i hear loud thud sound, i open my eyes to see kyle standing in front of me, and those guys laying down on floor.

End for this chapter.

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