So that's that

But talking about the ichibi. Now she always talked to sukaku more than before. They weren't as close as Naruto and kurama but he did like Sakura

Their conversations were funny sometimes. So she did consider him as a friend

"I am not your friend, you little blossom!"

He would always say, as if it was an insult, but always protected her if she fell or something came onto her

It's good for them, sukaku reminded her of Gaara, so she really didn't mind his presence

So she was loved by all

She was literally treated like a princess!


Present time

"Nee, Mama, why doesn't papa stay with Kashi? Isn't he a jujutsu Sorcerer too?"

Sakura asked her mom while handing her the cup of chocolate chips

Someone special was coming today. To visit Sakura. Sakura didn't know who, but she was told the people who are coming is gonna have a very big significance in her life

And her parents looked excited. Kakashi was coming too, so she was curious to see who are every one waiting for

So now they are making chocolate chip cookies for the guests

Kayomi giggled, taking the cup from her

"Well little blossom, your father had already graduated from jujutsu highschool. Now he is a jujutsu Sorcerer, he does missions. and your bother is still a student. He had to study and do missions, that's why he has to stay in the dorms of his school "

She explained to Sakura while knitting the dough

She then looked at Sakura and smiled a warm smile

"Did my blossom-chan understand?"

Sakura nodded excitedly

"You know Mama, I think I'll mainly become a healer and researcher. I'll still do missions but I don't think I want to go to Jujutsu high school "

Sakura said, making her mom pause and look down at her in bewilderment


She hummed

"Yeah, Mama. I was thinking, I can go in some normal highschool and after graduation, I'll take a small course type of thing under a jujutsu highschool but I don't think I need to be in a jujutsu high school "

Now, Kayomi was invested

She washed her hands in the middle of making the cookies and sat Sakura down

"So why don't you wanna join jujutsu highschool?"

Sakura just shrugged

"I don't really know, I think it will be a waste of time. I have nothing to learn in a jujutsu highschool. I am already as capable as a jonin ninja and have done many solo s-rank missions. So I really don't need to learn how to fight"

Kayomi's eyes lit up, she gently cupped her cheeks and placed many kisses all over her face

"Oh my baby, you're so intelligent. I am so glad you understand this and won't leave like your deadbeat brother did"

Sakura sweat dropped. While ackwardly chuckling, she patted her mom's back

"What's going on here? What are my two most favorite girls talking without me?"

Sakumo said as he came from behind. A charming smile on his face

Kayomi looked back at him with a shit eating grin

"I told you, this is my girl"

She said cheekily, while Sakura chuckled

Sakumo raised an eyebrow

Sakura took a deep breath and explained everything to Sakumo. He was surprised at first, a little sad but he smiled and nodded. He'd support anything his little blossom wants to

Sakura was a little scared that Sakumo would disagree, but luckily he didn't

"I don't mind as long as you're happy, blossom. If you want that, your wish is my command"

She chuckled when her Papa said that with a smile

"But I do want to do something, Papa"

Sakura said, her voice much more serious now

"What is it?"

Her Papa asked her with just as much seriousness

She took a deep breath before starting

"Did you know Papa, we can make substances that can contain cursed energy?"

She asked, making both of her parents a little startle

Sakumo creased his eyebrows in confusion. He'd never heard of anything like that


"Yes, just like cursed weapons, some substances on in our medical terms we call it toxin, could be infused with cursed energy. "

Sakumo's eyes widened

"But... I've never heard something like that"

Sakura nodded, a calm expression on her face as she explained

"Yes, I am the first one to discover this. I have done some minor researches. I can promise you Papa, I can make poisons that can kill special grade curses, I can make potions that can boost cursed energy and techniques and all"

By the time she was finished speaking, her parents were looking at her like she'd grown another head

It took some time, but Sakumo eventually got over the shock and wispered under his breath

"What did I expect from the best medical Shinobi?"

He sighed

"Can you come again, I didn't quite hear you there Papa "

Sakura said, not understanding what he said

"Nothing... Anyways, okay. Don't tell this to anyone yet we'll get you a lab and everything you need when you become 15 or something "

Sakumo said, looking at his wife with a questioning look

Kayomi pouted, she didn't want her baby girl to go anywhere wear poison. But then she looked back at Sakura, as she looked at how happy she looked with the news

She had a beaming beautiful smile on her face. She looked so happy

Her heart melted and she caved in, she smiled picking up sakura

"If that's what my blossom wants. I'm more than willing to help you, but you have to promise you'll be careful"

Sakura violently nodded her head

Lastly she smiled and nodded her head, Sakura's eyes waiden in delight as she loudly cheered. Both of the mother daughter hugged each other and Sakumo watched the seen with a soft look

The Blossom Sorcerer [ Naruto x Jujutsu kaisen ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora