"I do. Why are you asking?"

"Can I see it? I want to make sure before I give you this car," I declared, and her eyes widened. "I was just talking with my husband about donating it to someone, and I see that you like it, so it's yours if you want it," I explained as she handed me her ID and license. She was twenty and a student. 

Perfect candidate.

"What's the catch?"

I shrugged. "No catch. We have enough cars already, and you could use one. I see you're a student, and public transportation is hellish nowadays." 

I never got on a bus before, even while I was still living in Dexter's house.

Speaking of him, he was officially a homeless man somewhere. Mia, his wife, divorced his sorry butt and remarried. Her new husband was abusive, so she got what she deserved. I would've felt bad if it were anyone else, but I couldn't feel any type of emotion toward either of them. 

They made me suffer for years, and it was only fair they got a taste of what I had been through.

"I don't have money to give away on a car. Can I just borrow it?" She fidgeted with her fingers, and I laughed.

"I said it's yours. I don't want anything in return. It's free. I just want your information so my husband can put the car in your name and insure it for you."

"Is this for real?" She looked at me, the car, and then my boys.

"It's a gift, so you must accept a gift without questions," Rhys told her, catching up on our conversation. Ram and Rowan nodded as they sat on the concrete, looking bored and ready to jump in the mud.

"How rich are you?" the girl asked, dumbfounded. If I were her, I would not believe me either.

"Oh, honey. I am not rich. My husband is. He wouldn't mind you taking it. No strings attached. Just take it."

It's a flex to flex your husband's bank account.

I didn't usually overspend anything. I was a normal shopper, but Izan was an addict when it came to spending his money on me and the boys. I learned to accept his gifts, but this car was too much. We had the same exact model but in white.

I grabbed the girl's information, took screenshots, and sent them to Izan so he could transfer the ownership to her. "You're way too fast," he messaged, not believing that I found someone to take the car.

"Not faster than you in bed," I texted back. 

He sent a colorful message that made me laugh. 

I loved my life.


Izan was taking a bath with the boys, and I was reading a book in the living room when I felt a strong contraction. I groaned as I dropped the book. "Oh no, I lost the page number," I grumbled and tried to stand up to grab it but another contraction came, stronger than the first. 

"Izan..." I called as I focused on my breathing.

"Izan Eloy Guerrero, get down here, now!" I yelled this time. 

Not a minute later, my boys came rushing with towels around their waists. They looked comical, but I was busy focusing on the pain to laugh.

"What's wrong?" he asked, scanning the floor. I looked down and saw my wet pants. "Your water broke!" he pointed out, already panicking. He was acting the same way when the boys were born. 

He was not helpful back then, and I needed him to focus now.

"Izan, baby. Look at me," I tried to grab his hand, but I grabbed Ram's head instead since he was closer. "Go get dressed, all of you. I'm giving you two minutes, or I'm driving myself to the hospital." I ushered them, and they all ran upstairs. 

I heard the commotion and screams.

 Something definitely broke, but I ignored them and called Camila.

"Hey, Veve," she greeted, and I sighed, having another painful contraction. My baby girl was rough. "What's going on?"

"It's time, and I need you to deliver my baby. Be there and tell the rest," I replied and took a deep breath. "Izan, if you don't come down now, I'm going alone!" I yelled again, overwhelmed by the pain. "See you there, Camila." I hung up the phone before she could reply and stood up.

The triplets wore odd colors, but I didn't comment. Izan jumped down the stairs, carrying the baby bag. "Let's go!" He was wearing the pink hoodie I got him for this day. I was glad he remembered because I had forgotten.

I tried to walk but froze in my place. "I can't move," I whispered, fearing that she might slip any second, though it was very unlikely. He nodded and carried me so effortlessly. 

Ram held the baby bag, Rhys locked the door behind us, and Rowan opened the car door for me.

"We're here for you, Mama," they said simultaneously, and I got emotional. 

I was glad they were here to witness their baby sister's birth. Of course, not the actual birth. It would be traumatizing.

"I love you, my babies. Now, Izan, do us all a big favor and freaking drive!"

He snapped out of his daze and drove. "Yes, amor." He was more useful than the last time.


"I can feel the head," Camila declared as I pushed harder. "You can do it, Verena. You gave birth to triplets. Having this little angel should be a breeze. Push, Verena," she encouraged, and Izan squeezed my hand and kissed my sweaty temple.


Don't be mean, Verena.

"I'm tired," I cried. It had been two hours since the painful contractions, and she was still not here. She was too stubborn. Like me.

"Come on, amor. One more strong push. You got this!" Izan whispered gently, and I nodded. I pushed once more, and I felt something fall down from my body. I gasped once I heard the sweet, angelic cry and fell back on the bed.

"You did it, Vera. She's finally here," he said, kissing my nose. Camila cried as she stared at my baby. She placed her on my chest, and I instantly cried tears of joy. I saw Izan's tears stream down his cheeks. 

I was grateful for everything.

"Izan, what's her name?" I asked. This was our agreement. I named Rhys and Rowan first. He got to name Ram, and we agreed to let him choose the next name. It was only fair—two for two.

He stared at our baby on my chest and smiled so widely. I could tell she would be a daddy's girl. "Rina," he tested the name, and we both smiled. I loved it.

"Rina," I repeated as I gently rubbed her back.

"Congratulations. Now let's clean her up so her brothers can see her," a nurse said with a smile, and I nodded. She took care of her, and Camila helped me clean up. After half an hour, Izan called my boys in, followed by our family. They were excited to see their princess.

"Boys, meet your baby sister, Rina."

The End



This is it. The Mafia and Her is officially over! 

Thank you to each one of you for reading the book and loving the characters along the way. 

Comment your thoughts and share this book! 

If you loved The Mafia and Her and haven't read Dinner with the Mafia yet, I suggest you read it if you want more Mafia romance because it features Jolene and Dario, the Italian Mafia Don. 

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