Making It Official

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After me and Harry got in, all the boys were in the living room laughing and chatting with each other.

"We're home!"

"What took you so long? We got home like an hour ago"

"I- um- we-" Harry stumbled over his words trying to find an excuse as to why we were so late coming home.

"I asked him to stop at a Starbucks because I fancied a gingerbread latte"

Harry looked at me as if to say thank you and we went to sit down on the sofa. We sat as close to each other as we could without any of the other boys noticing. 

"So, when is your next concert?"

"We have like 3 weeks  of relaxing and doing what we want and then we leave for America" Liam answers. Liam is always the one giving out the information. They all call him the 'father' of the band. 

"Oh ok." I wasn't really sure what I was going to do when all the boys leave for their tour. And to add to that, being away from Harry for such long periods of time. 

Harry rubbed my hand and said "Don't worry, we can talk to Simon and see if you can come with us!" He sounded hopeful and instantly I hoped that Simon agreed. 

All the boys hummed in agreement. 

"Ok boys, I'm quite tired so I'm gonna go to bed, night!"

"Night Ivory!" All the boys chorused together. I walked up the stairs and went into my room. As I flopped down onto my bed I heard three quiet knocks. I instantly knew it was Harry so I wasn't surprised to see some beautiful green eyes looking into mine.

"Hey you, can I come in?"

"Yeah of course you can" As if I was going to say no, hah.

He checks the hallway to see if any of the boys were around and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I blushed immediately and moved out the way to let him in. He comes in and sits down on the sofa. I shut and lock the door and go to sit next to him. He wraps his arm around me and I lean in to him and breathed in his vanilla scent. 

"So, you know what I was talking to you about earlier?"

"Yeah, do you still feel the same?"

"Of course I do, and about that, would you like to go on a proper date with me? Today was nice don't get me wrong, but I want a night just with you.

Awwh. This man melts my heart. We have only lived together for like 12 hours and we are hugging and cuddling on my sofa. This has been my dream ever since I met Harry at X Factor. 

"I still can't believe that this is real. You and me, Harry and Ivory. It's like a dream come true. Of course I'll go on a date with you."

"Yay goody!" He starts acting like a little boy who got some new toys - it's kind of cute, no it's extremely cute.

 "Well I'm gonna go and let you sleep but I'll see you tomorrow ok?" 

He kisses the top of my head and we both get up. Before he opens the door, I go up on my tiptoes and give him a gentle kiss. He leaves my room and I flop back on my bed for about the fifth time.


After I left Ivory's room, I felt like I was on top of the world. I had liked Ivy for a really long time but I never thought she felt the same way. When Louis told me that she was moving in, I knew that it was going to be difficult to keep my feelings to myself so I thought it was best that I told her and hoped for the best. 

When we were at the restaurant, it was then, after she get suddenly overwhelmed from the paparazzi, I knew I should tell her about how I feel. And that's when I remembered about the park. I am so happy that she agreed to go on this date with me. I have a feeling that the boys (apart from Louis) know about my thoughts about Ives but I'm just going to ignore the boys.

 I want to try keep her away from the media for as long as I can because as soon as they know about me and her, they might try to ruin our relationship. Especially management, Simon can be extremely difficult about my relationships. I pushed these negative thoughts to the back of my mind and went into my room. I thought I better get some sleep before I had to talk with Simon tomorrow.


As soon as Harry left I couldn't stop smiling to myself. I remembered that I said I would talk Teagan so I got into my pyjamas and got into my bed. I unlocked my phone and it was almost like we had bestie telepathy because her name flashed up on my screen.

"Hey! How was your dinner with Harryyyy?"

"It wasn't just with Harry, it was the whole band as well but it was really good. I get on well with them" I started blushing and I think that Teagan could tell something was up.

"What, what what?!"

"Harry took me to a park and asked me out. It was really cute, he had a whole speech for me" I smiled whilst remembering how nervous he seemed and the thought that was put into it.

"Awhhhhhh! That's so cute"

We talked for a bit longer and then I went to sleep because I wanted to be well rested for the date tomorrow. 

Authors Note: Hey guys! How are we? Don't worry, this chapter is slightly short so there is another one coming right now. Let me know your thoughts as usual. Kisses x

Always and Forever, AngelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ