But talking it out balances the demons inside.

Izan and the rest looked at us when they heard him weep like he had lost a loved one, and they were stunned. I guessed he never cried in front of them. I just hoped he didn't really lose anyone important to him. Looking at the larger picture, he was secretive and a bit closed off.

At that moment, I regretted not being a busybody with them.

I'm the mama of the group.

Then Izan is the papa... or daddy...

Verena, stop you filthy dog!

You're reading way too much dark romance.

I signaled for the men to ignore us with a death glare, and they complied and got busy preparing for a possible war with the Swedish mafia. "Do you want to talk about it?" I whispered as I rubbed my hand on his back.

He was crying like a child, and I felt my heart ache for him. Whatever he was going through must have been bugging him for a while. He just cracked, and it was so unlike him. Or maybe he was just putting up a façade so long that it got too heavy to carry.

"I-I feel so l-lonely," he managed to whisper as he buried his face on my shoulder, and I felt my breath hitch for a second. He was feeling lonely even though he had us.

I used to be like that before I met Izan, but I never truly had anyone who loved me. Carlos had us, and yet he still felt this way.

"Why?" I asked gently, not daring to look at his face, or else I would cry.

He sniffed and rubbed his forehead on my shoulder. "I don't know. I'm overwhelmed." I knew he needed time to formulate his words, so I didn't rush him. I looked back at his brothers, who looked at us with sad expressions.

They heard him.

"I- I'm never the first choice. I'm never anyone's favorite person, and I never felt included even though... You know what? Just forget it, I'm fucked up, and that's it," he concluded, ready to shut his feelings again, but I wasn't letting him do this.

"No, you're not fudged up, Carlos. You're a human being who has feelings. We all feel things sometimes, and it's important to share them every once in a while," I began and raised my voice a bit so that his brothers would hear us.

"We're here with you, Carlos. Your brothers love you and cannot imagine a life without you in it." They nodded at that, and he looked at them with teary eyes and soaked cheeks. "Believe it or not, Carlos, but I love you like the rest, if not a bit more," I whispered the last part, making him grin.

He was finally calming down.

"You're the first person to call me Hermana, and I don't have siblings. So, you're my brother until the end of time, whether you like it or not. Izan, Juan, Jose, Zulimar, and I love you so much, and we don't want you to feel you're no one's favorite. We are always here for you, even if you feel lonely. Besides, you'll find your significant other soon. I can feel it!"

I didn't want to assume his sexuality, but I wouldn't be surprised if he liked men more than women. He had never mentioned women or fancied them since I came here, and I saw how he would check out the men Camila and I thought were hot despite Henry's and Izan's protests.

He thought he was being sneaky.

Carlos wiped his face with a tissue I had in my pocket and smiled. He calmed down, and we all sighed in relief. "Thank you, Hermana," he said and kissed my forehead. "I hope I meet my man in Italy soon because seeing you and Izan together makes me envy you. I love what you have and want someone to treat me as his equal in everything."

I called it.

I am a wizard.

Or just observant.

I smiled and ruffled his black curly hair. "Don't worry. Your man will love you unconditionally and be as handsome as you. If you want, I can set you up!" I suggested with a wiggle of my eyebrows, and he rolled his eyes.

"No thanks, I would like to pave my own way on my own, but I appreciate the offer," he replied, and I nodded. "Thank you, Verena, for everything." I hugged him one last time and walked back to my seat when I made sure he was ready to sleep with a smile.

He was never alone; hopefully, he will never feel lonely again.

"You did good," Izan commented proudly and kissed my nose. It was four in the morning, and I was exhausted. However, hearing Carlos' concerns was worth every minute. He needed someone to listen, and I was there.

I will always be there for any of them.

"Did you know he's gay?" I whispered because I didn't want to wake Zulimar, who was fast asleep.

"Yeah, we all knew, but we never asked."

"Hopefully, he finds his true love in Italy," I prayed, and he nodded. "Now, I'm ready to sleep. Wake me up when we land. Goodnight, love," I kissed his lips, and he smiled into the kiss.

"Goodnight, amor."



I think most of us went through what Carlos went through regarding his loneliness. 

If you are ever lonely and want to talk, my dms are open!

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