Hell Bent for Whiskey

Start from the beginning

Irownood meanwhile laughed a bit at Ruby said about politicians "Somthings never change"

As it contiuned to show diffrent types of Whisky and alchaol barrels, and creates Ruby contiuned to speak.

"The only way you could make it was either by having good connections or by else taking care of your buisness just like we did."

"Well that dosent sound to bad." Pyrrha said with a smile 

"Wait for it." Weiss said 

"Bootlegging, thats where the real money was." Ruby said

"Oh" Pyrrha said 

As she said this the camrea moved downwards to show, a stack of dynomite placed underneath on of the containers a timer placed on it.

immediately This shocked everyone seeing a literal fucking bomb planted in a alchaol plant 

"IS THAT A BOMB!!" Yang screamed 


"Well i would guess that the since it is the era of prohabition, gangs destryoing over guys booleging places would make sense." Ren said

"Indeed." Ironwood said "Back then it was like a warzone in cities, gangs were practicly as powerful as the police, Hell i remember hearing some stories that Huntsmam were brought to try and fight back against  gang violence."

"Not the greatest era of human and faunus History." Ozpin said

"Its like if Qrow wasnt allowed to drink beer anymore." Winter said 

"Hey...im not that bad." Qrow said 

"Are we just ignoring the fact thiers a FUCKING BOMB in a beer plant!!" Nora yelled causing everyone causing everyones attention to return to it 

"yeah..i wonder how thier going to deal with it," Pyrrha said 

"Im sure Rubes and Vomit boy will find away," Yang said 

"Hey!!" Jaune yelled 

 "Of course you had to watch your back beacuse thier was always some other wise guy ready to put your light out just have his own peice of the pie." Ruby said

It then cut to outside where it was raining as the sign (Schnee whisky & beer). 

"Some people call us gangsters...i call it buissness only instead of a pen, We use a gun."

"Thats one way to put being a criminal." Iornwood said 

"Its still weird seeing Ruby of all People being a fucking gangster for the Mob." Yang said 

"For a schnee mob no less." Blake said 

"These universes just keep getting stranger and stranger." Ozpin said 

"Yeah i mean, whats next Ruby taking part in a desprate assault on a vacuon compound in order to change the tide of a loosing war agasint a vacuon empire." Qrow said

"So i assume this around the part we meet a gangster duo." Winter said 

"Would make sences." Juane said as they returned to the viewing 

The Camrea suddenly changes to show a old fashion street as a car is heard speeding by. 

Then Sure enough a Old fashion car wheezes by the camrea before its suddenly heared crashing.

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