3. "photobooth"

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"Come on Lulu! Bella's already downstairs" Walker rolled his eyes at her as he stood by the hotel door.

"Okay okay im coming , dang she's not going anywhere" She says in frustration, "Actually she is , she's leaving tomorrow morning" he says as they left the hotel room.

"Keyword tomorrow" she said , pressing the button to the elevator.

"I'm excited to finally meet her, I've had enough dealing with your e-dating" Lulu teases , "Hey we are not e-daters , I've met her like 5 times. You just weren't there to see it happen" He chuckles.

The door opens to the hotel lobby, Walker immediately spots his girlfriend and eagerly heads over to her, causing Lulu to follow him behind.

"Walk!" She smiles , "Bella!" He returns the same energy. He hugs her so tight that he's almost squishing her organs.

"I missed you!" She kisses his cheek causing him to go red , she looks over at Lulu who had just caught up with them.

"Oh my god! Lulu!" She squeals as they exchanged a hug. "Bellaaaa it's so nice to finally see you" she says.

(bella where have you beeenn locaaa 😜)

They continue with some small talk in the hotels cafe as they drank hot chocolate. Lulu spots a familiar back profile as she was sipping on her drink.

"Charlie?" She tilts her head confused , "What? Didn't Charlie leave already" Walker says.

The tall boy turns around , "It is him" The blonde girl chuckles as she got up and walked up to him.

"Charlie? What are you still doing here" she smiles as he looks at her, doing the same. "Hey lulu!" he wraps his arms around her waist , hugging her. The height difference between the two was strongly visible .

"We had to stay one more day, flight got delayed" he explained as she nods , "Well thank god , I was stuck third wheeling those two kids" She giggles pointing at the couple with her thumb.

They both wave , smiling as charlie looks at them. He does the same before looking back to Lulu. "Well do you wanna do something then?" He asks the girl.

"Uh sure- what do you wanna do?" She looks up, making eye contact with him. "We could explore the city" He shrugs with both hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.

"That sounds nice , let me just grab my purse and tell walk" She grins as the curly haired boy nods. She walks over to their table and grabs her shoulder bag.

"I'm just gonna go hang out with Charlie for a bit , tell mom if she asks okay?" She tells her little brother.

"Okay, where are you two going?" He asks curiously, "I don't know , just exploring i guess" She shrugged.

"Have fun lovebirds" Bella winks , "See this is not what we're gonna do" Lulu points at Bella.

"Chuchu is real" She says as her boyfriend shook his head laughing. "Whatever , bye kiddos!" She leaves the two as she walked back over to Charlie.

Charlie smiles as he sees her again , "You ready?" he holds out his hand for her to grab. She nods as she grabs his hand and begins to skip outside the doors eagerly as he laughed.

They begin to walk out of the hotel. "So do you know where exactly we're going?" she asks him, "No clue el" he shakes his head , chuckling.

"Did you get a haircut?" He plays with the tips of her golden hair using his free hand. "Yeah, you're the only one that noticed" She chuckles.

"It looks pretty , you're pretty" He tells her , "Shut up , you're pretty" She says back , squeezing his hand.

He smiles at her before spotting a Photo Booth on the street, "We have to El" He says as he pulls her into there.

"Oh my god it's so cute" She looks around , "Let's see.." He digs in his pocket for his wallet and pulls out two dollars.

"Oh it's black and white , my favorite" She fixes her hair , "3..2..1" The voice in the machine says as they pose for the first photo.

They move closer together , the sides of their faces touching as they both grin from ear to ear. "3..2..1" The voice repeats for the second time.

This time Lulus face looked as if she was screaming, she squished Charlie's cheeks together as he looked at her smiling.

"3..2..1" The voice says finally , Lulu rests her cheek in the palm of her hand, looking up as Charlie does a peace sign behind her head.

"Thank you!" The screen read , Lulu and Charlie both got up and went to see their photos.

It prints out two copies , "Aw they turned out so cute" Lulu giggles. "I'm keeping this in my car" The tall boy smiles as he puts the photo in his jackets pocket.

She blushed at his words , she quickly tried changing the subject "I'm hungry, we should eat" She said.

"Yeah , we should eat , we never eat" Charlie raised an eyebrow , "Yes , it's concerning how much we don't eat. We should eat more often" She continues sarcastically.

"Wait actually , i always eat" He sassily rests a hand on his hip , causing her to laugh and push it away.

He put an arm around her shoulder as they walked to the nearest wingstop.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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