There is strength in fragility.

61 2 2

At 5 o'clock the next day, Claire rings from reception."I have Mia Grey again for you."

Mia? I hope she doesn't want to hang out tonight. Christian wanted to make dinner as a family and he looked so excited.

"Hi, Mia!"

"Ana, hi. How are you?" Her excitement is stifling.

"Good. Busy today. You?"

"I am so bored! I need to find something to do, so I'm arranging a birthday party for Christian."

Christian's birthday? Jeez, I had no idea. Good job wife.

"When is it?"

"I knew it. I knew he wouldn't tell you. It's on Saturday. Mom and Dad want everyone over for a meal to celebrate. I'm officially inviting you."

"Oh, that's lovely. Thank you, Mia."

"I've already called Christian and told him, and he said he'll organise a babysitter, but tell my brother to bring your little angels."

"I'll try."

"Ana just say it'll make you happy and he'll do it and give you a star so he can see your smile even at night."

I blush at the kind compliment. "Thanks," I mumble.

My mind is in a flat spin—what the hell am I going to get Christian for his birthday? What do you buy the man who has everything?

"And maybe next week, we can go out one lunchtime?"

"Sure. How about tomorrow? My boss is away in New York."

"Oh, that would be cool, Ana. What time?"

"Say, twelve forty-five?"

"I'll be there. Bye, Ana."

"Bye." I hang up.

Christian. Birthday. What on earth should I get him?


From: Anastasia Grey
Subject: Antediluvian
Date: June 15, 2011 17:11
To: Christian Grey

Dear Mr. Grey

When, exactly, were you going to tell me? What shall I get my old man for his birthday? Perhaps some new batteries for his hearing aid?

A x

Anastasia Steele Assistant to Jack Hyde, Commissioning Editor, SIP


From: Christian Grey
Subject: Prehistoric
Date: June 15, 2011 17:20
To: Anastasia Grey

Don't mock the elderly. Glad you are alive and kicking. And that Mia has been in touch. Batteries are always useful. I don't like celebrating my birthday.

Christian Grey, Deaf as a Post CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.


From: Anastasia Grey
Subject: Hmmm.
Date: June 15, 2011 17:24
To: Christian Grey

Dear Mr. Grey can imagine you pouting as you wrote that last sentence. That does things to me. A xox

Anastasia Steele Assistant to Jack Hyde, Commissioning Editor, SIP


From: Christian Grey
Subject: Rolling Eyes
Date: June 15, 2011 17:29
To: Anastasia Grey


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