30 Day Deal

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The kids erupt in cheers and start shouting incoherent things. But still, the look Ana shared with Christian drowned everything out. Stay calm, she told her inner voice, he just tried to ask nicely. NICELY, her less helpful voice shouted back. He's just put you in the most impossible position. 

"Angels, shhh please, we're getting too loud."

"It's park time please now mommy!" Pheobe's excitement hurt to look at when Ana was struggling with the internal conflict between wanting to strangle Christian and heed to the joy of her child.   

"Mommy, I'm hungry," Theo whined. 

"Sweetheart we can get some food."

"No!" Pheobe screamed. "Park now!" Ana could tell that her growing irritation was coming from the need for her mid-day nap. 

"Mommy, I need to call my friends and Aibi and tell her that we're all moving in here!" Theo laughed. 

"Angel that's not how that works-" she tried to explain. 

I need to figure out my job and I can't live here, she thought to herself. He's getting married, and knowing Christian meant a lot of sex. On the bed, in the shower, on the coffee table, over the piano, in the red room. She didn't want to see that, and she certainly didn't want her kids to see that. 

"Anastasia?" Christian broke through her swirling thoughts. "So, will you move in," he asks becoming more assertive. 

She next felt her mouth open to speak, but as it did, her brain whipped clear and the thoughts and connection to the rest of her body melted. 

She woke up a few minutes later on the couch. Christian was running a hand through his hair while speaking rapidly on the phone, though Ana could not make out the words. Her brain still felt fuzzy and her mouth felt as if it had been poisoned by MSG. 

"Water please," she croaked.

Christian whipped his head towards her and crouched next to her, "Lie still Anastasia. I'm going to call a doctor." 

"Water please," she begged again. He scanned her body twice before jogging over to the kitchen only seconds later coming back with a glass of water. 

"Take it easy," he put his hand on her shoulder holding her back as she tried to sit up.

"Christian," I'm fine she whispered softly, pointlessly pushing against his hold. "I'm a little anemic that's it. Don't call a doctor please."

"You're helth is not something I'll gamble with."

"Christian, stop. Listen to me. I can make judgments about my health-"

"Did you graduate med school?"

"Did you? Do you understand how I feel? Do you have my medical records? Are you the encyclopedia of anemia? No. So please let me make decisions regarding my health."

"Anastasia," he breathed against her neck. 

"Christian, I'm alright," she said tearing at their familiar intimate position. 

"Where are the kids?" She asked him. 

"Gail tried to take them to the park but they wouldn't leave the penthouse. But just focus on yourself right now."

"Christian," she sighed, finally sitting up, "I'm okay, alright."

"You fucking scared me, Anastasia."

"It's just been a tough 48 hours."

 "I'm sorry, I know I made it worse," he grumbled.

"No you didn't," Ana gave him a weak smile. "I make things harder for myself. I dug my grave now I have to lie in it." 

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