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The living room was lit in a soft, dim light, casting long shadows across the floor as Alexander stood before a visibly annoyed and a very unimpressed Brooklyn.

Brooklyn leaned against the wall, his arms crossed tightly, his eyes fixed on Alexander with a mixture of concern and frustration.

"Well?" His voice was firm, begging Alexander to explain himself. "Where were you, Alexander?"

The teen hesitated, feeling a lump form in his throat. He knew he had to explain, but he was terrified, he thought if he spoke he would break down in hysterical sobs.

"I... I went for a walk" He muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, Brooklyn barely heard him. "I ran into someone."

Brooklyn's expression hardened, his patience wearing thin. "It's 1:30 am" He said, his voice rising slightly.

"You left at 9 pm. You were gone for just over 4 hours, not one single text saying you were okay!"

"I was at a park, someone I know was there too" Alexander continued, his words coming out in a rush. "I talked to him, and he offered to take me to his house because it was getting cold. We chilled there."

Brooklyn's expression remained unimpressed. "Right, because that's what people do at 1:30 in the morning and with no single text message to say you're okay" He replied back, his disbelief obvious.

"I'm sorry for making you worry Brooklyn. Are you going to tell anyone?" He asked, fearful that if he did and Samuel found out, he might as well dig his own grave.

Brooklyn's eyes narrowed, his disbelief evident. "I don't believe you" He stated flatly, his tone tinged with disappointment.

He is disappointed in you.

"But if you want to lie to me, fine" He paused, letting out a sigh.

"I'm tired, and I start work early. I'm not going to tell anyone, but message at least one of us wherever you go. You're lucky William is asleep because you would've definitely been grounded."

Brooklyn walked out of the room, leaving the room in silence. The only sound that remained was the echo of my racing thoughts. I followed shortly after, retreating to my room and locking the door behind me. Collapsing onto my bed, sobbing until I couldn't breathe.

The night dragged on, haunted by memories that replayed in my mind like a tormenting loop. Sleep invades me, the once-familiar comfort of my sheets now feeling suffocating, the same sheets he has. I despised myself for allowing someone else to wield such power over me. My eyes were dry, swollen, and cold. Each passing moment seemed to intensify the pain, leaving me longing for some form of relief, even if it was just temporary numbness.

Frantically, I rummaged through my drawers, searching for my hidden stash, my "emergency supply" as I like to call it. My hand quickly found the first two items: my razor and a small plastic bag filled with coke. Disgusted with myself, I muttered "Pathetic" as I poured out the white powder onto my bedside table, I crushed it with a sense of numb routine before inhaling, welcoming the euphoric feeling invade me. Collapsing onto my bed, I absentmindedly twirled the razor in my hand leaving small, insignificant scratches on my fingers.

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