⭑┗━━┫⦀⦙ 𝔸 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕓𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 ⦙⦀┣━━┛⭑

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The Nyx.

Such was the name whispered among the common folk, not for her movements mirroring the starlit dance of clouds, nor for her swift and calculated steps, but for her elusiveness. She was a mystery, an enigma, a figure of unknown identity that prowled not the streets, but the rooftops at dusk, vanishing like a whisper at the first light of dawn, leaving behind only a faint, blue azure of a plumage as a mark of her passing.

Little did they know, she was ever present, a silent sentinel observing the world below. Her attire was a mix of the practical and the regal—a tattered jute rag cloaking a worn-out vest painted in the humors of her dead enemies, its hem brushing against the chains dangling loosely from her pant. A cold blade rested against her bare back, its presence occasionally sending a shiver of delight down her spine.

It was then among the crowd surrounding the inconspicuous little feather did your eyes meet with the round and innocent, alluring red hue circling the pupils with a shine of the sunlight reflecting the world on them, yet oddly lifeless— hidden beneath a similar rag to yours, a striking similarity in their appearances— their shared desire to remain hidden from the public eyes at such a young age, both tired but alert, and the unspoken tension that hung heavy in the air, each wary of the other's intentions.

His hair drifted gently across his face, stray strands intruding upon the whites of his eyes. The unique gradient of his locks was unexpected, catching one off-guard. Despite this, he made no move to brush the strands away, as if fearing that the slightest twitch might lead to something sinister.

One blink.

Then another.

The young man was gone, vanished into thin air. You wiped away a bead of sweat trickling down the side of your temple, heart pounding out of its rhythm in your chest. Your pupils dilate, shooting around the crowd in search for the familiar locks of hair, but to no avail.

Your eyes lowered in disappointment, a part of you wishing he was still nearby. Your train of thoughts was interrupted by the low tweet of a blue indigo bunting perched on your shoulder, pecking at the stray bits of straw embedded in the jute from days spent lying on haystacks.

Reaching for the bird's lithe legs, you discovered a parchment nestled there. The bunting's legs twitched, trying to shake off the uncomfortable wrapping. Carefully unravelling it, you found a series of symbols that quickly translated in your mind:

ɾᴏƴɑꝇ ɡɑɾᑯɛꞃ, ᑯɛ᥉ɛɾɾɛ'᥉ ꧑ɑꞃ᥉ıᴏꞃ ɑꞇ 11:00 թ.꧑. ı ꝫıꝇꝇ ხɛ ꝫɑıꞇıꞃɡ.

(Royal Garden, Deserre's mansion at 11:00 P.M. I will be waiting.)


"I hear there's going to be a war," the blonde male said, his voice carrying over the gentle sounds of the water lapping against your fingertips. "They'll be handpicking the finest warriors on land."

Though your gaze was elsewhere, his words had your full attention. Your hand stilled, fingers suspended in the water as ripples spread outward. The gentle croaking of a frog became mere background noise. With a light sigh, you stood up from your crouched position, now fully facing the taller, well-built male in his usual uniform, his hands casually resting in his pockets.

"And you called me out here to tell me..."

"You're one of them." He stepped closer, placing his hands on your shoulders. "Y/N, the one we can count on right now, the one who'd guarantee us victory, is you."

"Your highness, if I'm away, who could possibly hold off the so-called 'revolutionary army'? What if you fall into their traps? What if I lose my only source of income? What would become of me then—"

"Hey, kid. I'm the goddamn emperor; I can very much take care of myself, thank you," he replied, sarcasm dripping from his tone in an attempt to ease your worries.

"Well, it was worth a try." You shrugged casually and turned back to the water. "How... how long is it predicted to last?"

"Around ten years, at most."

"Hm. I've been quite bored, anyway." You gazed at your reflection in the still water. "If I die, will you look after my brothers?"


"Promise me."

"You know I can't do that."

"...Then can you at least go easy on them?"

"I'll see what I can do." Your eyes met, his confusion evident. "What about the queen—"

"To hell with her. I don't care what you do with her. She can die in a ditch for all I care. Just keep my brothers safe." He smirked and began to walk away, still facing you.

"Come back alive; you still have a debt to pay~" Imaginary sparkles appeared around his cheerful facade.



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It's been a while and will probably be a while now since I updated and will update. I just finished my college entrance exams.

I just wanna thank all of you who have been patiently waiting for the update, hats off.

Thank you for reading this fic.

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