Where it all started

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I was walking out of the grocery store when a small girl bumped into me.

I looked at the little girl and she looked terrified as if she were trying to get away from someone.

"I sowwy" she said softly.

"CHERYL" an angry man called.

She screamed and tried to run but I picked her up and turned her away.

The angry man came up to me and said "Do you mind?"

"Yes I do actually, why are you yelling at her like that? She's just a little girl!" I spat.

"Far from little. She's a teenager and needs to act like it"

Oh so she's not only very short, but she's also in the mental state of a 2 year old.

"You chasing after her and yelling isn't going to make her do so"

"Well she won't go with her mom" he said.

"Sweetheart why won't you go with your mom?"

"Mommy beats Cherry" she said with a pout.

"So you're willing to send her to someone who beats her?" I said with an angry look.

"Well she isn't my responsibility anymore so I don't care"

"Wow some father you are huh?"

"Look, unless you want to take her she's going with her mom" he said going to reach for her but then I moved back.

"I'll take her" I said.


"I said I'll take her. You obviously don't care about her and neither does her mom, so if you completely sign your rights over to me, you'll never have to hear or see her ever again" I said truthfully and he nodded.

"Meet me at the court house on 57th street" he said and I nodded walking to my car with the little girl still in my arms.

She had her fingers in her mouth and I gently moved them away.

"Sweetheart let's not put our fingers in our mouth, they're yucky" I said and she whined.

I sighed buckling her into the car seat.

Yes I have a car seat because for a while I had my niece because her mom and dad were on a year long business trip.

"Sweetheart what's your name?" I asked softly and she looked at me as if she had no idea of what I just said to her.

I see she has multiple headspaces and just regressed to a younger age...


We arrived at the courthouse and within the tiny span of time, the little one was fast asleep.

I went to gently grab her from the backseat in hopes I don't wake her and luckily she didn't wake up.

I sighed in relief and continued into the courthouse so we can get this over with.

I walked into the room and there were the little one's parents standing in there talking with the judge.

"Hello miss" the judge greeted.

"Good afternoon your honor, Antoinette Topaz" I greeted back.

"From what I'm understanding, you're willing to take on legal guardianship of Cheryl Marjorie Blossom. Is that correct?"

"Yes your honor, it is" I replied.

"Miss Topaz, tell me why you want to take this parental roll"

"Well your honor Ive always wanted kids, but unfortunately I'm unable to conceive. I've also raised my niece Lili off and on since she was born due to her parents being travelers for work. I believe in children being in a welcoming and safe environment and correct me if i'm wrong your honor, but Cheryl gets neither of those things with these two. You have her father who verbally abuses her and scares her to the point that she runs from him. You then have her mother who physically abuses her. She even has marks and bruises on her back and arms" I said sincerely.

"Mr and Ms Blossom, how old is Cheryl?" The judge asked.

"13" they both answered.

"13 with the mindset of a baby? By here I sentence you both life in prison without the possibility of parole. Miss Topaz, come to my office over here and we can get everything signed so you can enjoy the rest of your afternoon" I nodded walking with him.

Honestly I didn't think I would become a mom this way, but I'm grateful.

Now it's time to give this little princess the life she deserves!


Welcome to a little Cheryl book! Feel free to send requests. I hope you guys enjoy 🤍

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