Tour Practice

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    Today we were going to start practicing for our upcoming tour

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Today we were going to start practicing for our upcoming tour. I walked down the stairs already dressed. As I turned to corner all no one was there. Weird. I look around, but no one is there. I decide to take a step outside to find the boys. I looked out of the window, I saw that the boys were already in the car. I rushed outside.

    "There she is" Jack says, while pointing at me. I wave and get into the car.

    "Why didn't you guys wake me up?" I ask looking around to see if anyone would pay attention.

    "We thought you were out here." Said Jonah, shaking his head so that his messy hair would get in his face.

    "Plus, when you weren't here we decided not to wake the beast." Corbyn says. I laugh sarcastically.  "Oh and also" He hands me a sandwich. I look at him, then back at the sandwich. I raise an eyebrow, and then opens the ziploc that had the sandwich inside. "It's just jelly. don't worry". He reassures me. I take a bite out of it.

"Thank you." I say covering my mouth so that you can't see me chewing. He nodded and looked away.

I wiped the crumbs off of my sweats and checked my phone. Missed call 'Momma ❤️'. I quickly dialed her number and put the phone to my ear.

"Hi Mady. What's up?"  My mom said on the other side of the call. I looked around.
"You called me?" I add.

"Oops butt dial. Now that I'm here talk to me. How's LA. I want to know every thing. Tell me the gossip girl." I chuckle.

"Well, today we are just going to start training for the tour. Corbyn told you right?" I ask. She agrees and I think about what else she may have missed. "I guess that's it."

"Was that so hard to do. Call your own mother and check up on her?" I sigh. "I'll be expecting more calls like this Mady. You're growing up, without Ashley. We miss you. Tell Corbyn, I love him too. Love you." She hangs up.
Me and boys start stretching as soon as we get there. We decide it time to start rehearsing  the opening song, Trust Fund Baby.

    I stepped on the pedestal and picked up the fake mic they had left there for practice. The lights flash almost blinding me but I stay relaxed. Daniel starts off the song, as we try to practice the rest of the choreography. I'm next up so I lift up the mic and lip sync to the soundtrack.

    I feel a heavy stare so I try to look at where it's coming from. My eyes meet Zach's his part comes up. He sang his entire part looking at me. I tried looking away but I liked the fact that he held his gaze for so long. When the song finally ended we got off of the pedestal and rearranged them so we could practice the eight letters portion of the bit.

    With sweat dripping down the side of my face, we continued to rehearse the "choose" choreography. I liked this song, I had a fast edgy portion of the song and I had to be really close to the boys during the entirety of it. I rested my hand on Zach's shoulder as per the choreography. He keeps messing up the dance so we have to start over. It was to the point where our choreographer told us to take five.

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