Compliment Battle

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A bit simple but cute for that time

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A bit simple but cute for that time.

    As soon as the camera started rolling we were so unprofessional, Jack and Zach were doing a staring contest, so naturally, the rest of us were just playing background music.

    We switched to professional mode after Jack won the contest. We introduced ourselves soon after.

    "What's up Teen Vogue, we're Why Don't We and this is the compliment battle." We sang that last part.

    First up was Daniel and Corbyn. Daniel started off with the corniest joke. Making me and Jonah try to hide our laughter as we looked at each other. Corbyn followed up with the "gummies" one. Which didn''t fail to make me laugh. I burst out laughing completely as everyone looked at me.

    Next up was Zach going up against Jack. Jack started off strong winning a point. After that it was me and Zach. He looked me dead in the eye, and if I'm being completely honest, I felt my checks burn up. But I don't like him like that, I just don't like eye contact.

    "@itsmadalynbesson, has anyone told you how gorgeous you are in this photo?"

    "@itsmadalynbesson, has anyone told you how gorgeous you are in this photo?"

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Zach looked at me in awe as he rubbed his chin in attempts to make me laugh. I looked at him, then at the camera, and softly said "thank you". 

    After a few more rounds it was my turn again, but now I was going against Corbyn. He faced me, and pretended to gag. I immediately death stared him at the motion. It was my turn to say something.

"@whydontwemusic, who's gonna tell Corbyn that he's getting a little too hot for my taste🔥"  I read almost choking on the piece of gum I was chewing. I looked at him, and then looked at the boys to my left, and almost instantly started bursting out laughing. Corbyn slammed the buzzer giving him a point.

After two more rounds it was me against Daniel. I had been expecting this and was not going to let him win. I tried to keep a serious face as I stepped up to the podium. I placed the card in front of me and avoided eye contact with him and the boys.

"Madalyn" he says in a mockingly tone. "What's wrong? Too scared to lose?" I finally meet his gaze and stifle to hold in a laugh. He looks at me and down at the card placing it in front of his face.

"@itsmadalynbesson, too bad I missed you at 14 cuz you are the one for me." I blankly stare at him, trying to avoid making any expression whatsoever. He finally breaks the silence with a giggle. Victoriously I raise my hand and slam the buzzer.

We finally say our goodbyes to the channel and  make our way back into the car. Corbyn sits down in the seat in front of me and turns around so that he is looking at me.

"Mady, mom was calling you why didn't you answer. She called me worried sick." He says. I take a deep breath and take out my phone. 7 missed calls. Yikes. I dial her number and put the phone to my ear.

"Madalyn Claire Besson!" I pull the phone away from my ear as her tells grow louder.

"Hi mom, look before you continue shouting at me, let me just say that yes I am with Corbyn, yes I am okay, and no I'm not ignoring you."

"That's not that bad. Okay Mady, tell me why didn't you answer your phone?" I looked at Corbyn and then handed him the phone.

"Hey mom." He says glaring at me from the middle seat of the car. I smile and look around the car for something to eat. Damn, Corbyn was right about eating. Before I know it, I have the phone back in my hand. My mom had hung up and Corbyn stare was heavier than ever.

"What?" I say knowing exactly what's going on.

"Mom was worried about you. She was literally screaming at me for your mistake. Why didn't you just update her on what was going on. We had one rule, one single rule. To call mom every time she calls. She's never going to trust us now. " He rants. I look down and pick my finger nails again.

"Im sorry, but I swear it was on vibrate." He turns around, and plugs in his headphones. I scratch the back of my neck and look out the window. It's going to be a long day.

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