Moving in and First fights

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A few days later, I and Regina were finishing getting settled into her house. I had called out of work that day, something that unbeknown to me Regina would bring up later on that day. But the story starts with me in Regina's room, holding up a photo frame that she had near her bedside table. It was a picture of us on our first official date, she was wearing a short bubble gum pink shirt that covered absolutely nothing and some short shorts, and I was in a light blue oversized flannel shirt, wanting to go back to my routes, before I even knew what plastic was, or more like when I thought a plastic referred to something that one would throw into a recycling bin. We had just finished unpacking everything and I was feeling my heart leap in excitement at the very prospect of starting my new life with Regina. I had been thinking about this and eagerly awaiting this moment for longer than I would want to admit. Everything just seemed perfect, Regina George was just so perfect. Why hadn't I seen it decades ago, when we were in high school? I wouldn't have wasted so much time in a loveless marriage with Aaron if I had only known what it was that my heart had truly wanted. 

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by a feeling of very toned, sturdy arms wrapping themselves alongside my waist and the feeling of a cold, sharp chin resting against my shoulder, followed by a gentle kiss to the cheek. "You know all I've ever wanted since the moment I met you was to have a future with you, and my dreams are finally coming true," Regina spoke softly into my ear. While everyone had always seen the cold, mean side of Regina I for the most part got to see her softer and gentler side that was only reserved for those that she held the closest to her heart; Michelle and me.

"We do have the rest of our lives to spend together," I claimed, feeling a slight smile form alongside my lips. I didn't know why but anytime that Regina was around, I always felt like everything was just right and perfect with the world. 

That feeling of happiness though was short-lived, because upon hearing Regina's next words I realized just how much of a bitch Regina could be, whether or not she meant to be one.  The words had still managed to hit like a sharp knife thrust to the gut. 

"I was thinking, why don't you just quit work and become a stay-at-home girlfriend? I could provide everything for you and in return you could keep the house clean, cook, and just be sexy all of the time. I am usually hungry and tired after my work meeting, not to mention, we could get a lot more time together that way." Regina uttered the words, that instantly made me regret everything and I felt the blood start to boil within me. I mean, I still loved Regina and all, I just couldn't understand why she thought that would be an appropriate thing to bring up. It just made me feel like she thought very little of me like she saw me as her 50's styled housewife. I was a lot more than that, and the idea that Regina might not think so made tears begin to form in the bottom corner of my eyes. 

I had pulled back quickly, away from Regina's cold embrace as I turned to face her, tears now threatening to pour down my face. "Is that really what you see me as? A 50's housewife? I thought you loved me? God, how stupid could I be, thinking that Regina George would care about something other than herself?!" I had said, not processing my words before they poured out of my mouth. The second I had said the last part though, I regretted it. I knew Regina cared about a lot, even though she had often tried to hide it with her cold deminer, I just couldn't let her know that I knew she was a person with a ton of love in her heart, not after I had felt like she had dug a knife through my heart. 

Regina's eyes immediately widened in shock, before her brows furrowed in anger. "Of course, I don't see you as a 50's housewife! And you know damn, well I care about you! I love you! I just don't feel like you're enjoying work. You keep calling out, and I'm a billionaire, there's just no need for both of us to have to work! I stay home most of the time anyway, I just have a few meetings a week to go to! I figured I could go to those meetings two to three days a week and when I got home, we could eat whatever you made together before spending some time together! We would also get to spend the rest of the week together! I want this so that we can start building up more of our future together, and I thought you would understand that! But I guess you don't!" Regina had claimed, trying to seem angry but I could just tell how hurt she was. I started feeling bad and realizing what she meant. Maybe, I should have thought everything through before getting mad. The more I thought about it with a clear head the more sense the idea made, besides even though, I did used to love my job, I was starting to resent it, just like I did with most of my old life, maybe I just needed to start everything from scratch, keeping Madlyn and Dominic (the twins) in the picture, of course. Despite, hating my old life I still did love Madlyn and Dominic, and I would never regret them. 

I nodded solemnly. "You're right. That does make sense. I'm sorry I thought the worst, and of course I know you love with everything you have, and I love you for that." I said, smiling a bit to myself because me and Regina had just said I love you to each other for the very first time. Regina smiled back at me, upon hearing me say that I loved her.

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