Chapter 22: Present Day

Start from the beginning

Noah gave my naked body a slow once-over. "I'll be watching whatever they decide to do to you."

With a wink, he disappeared.

I've never in my life had such dirty thoughts running through my mind while brushing my teeth and washing my face. Even getting through the shower was hard work, my hands wanting to do so many other things other than wash me. They were trembling with need as I tried to tie my hair back in a ponytail and decided it would be better left loose to hide my still-healing cuts. I didn't have the time or the steady hand to attempt anything other than some tinted moisturizer, mascara, and lip gloss.

I darted across the hall to my room, finding my suitcase empty and all of my stuff hung up in the closet or put away in the dresser. Mrs. Novelli did say she "took care" of my room yesterday. I grabbed my jade sweater dress from a hanger and searched for panties and a bra. Beth had even remembered to pack a pair of black tights that would help shield me from the cold.

You're a Godsend, Beth. I needed to call her at some point today.

I finished getting dressed and took my coat and purse to hurry downstairs, where I could smell the enticing aroma of freshly made coffee. My heels clicked down the hall, and I turned into the kitchen. Mal paused with his mug raised to his lips when he caught sight of me.

I also paused. He was wearing a tight black T-shirt with a leather shoulder holster. With his black hair, the dark clothes against his bronze skin, and a gun, he looked dangerous and incredibly sexy. I was simultaneously worried and turned on.

We spoke at the same time.

"Why do you have a gun?"

"That's what you're wearing?"

We both frowned. He inclined his chin to me to go first.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I thought the dress was completely appropriate for my appointments and the office. Looking down, there wasn't anything out of place or missing so what was his problem?

He stalked around the island and grabbed me around the waist, yanking me into him. "You look fucking amazing."

"And that's - bad?"

"I can't do my job if I'm distracted." Mal gently brushed my hair over my shoulders. "I can see down your dress."

I grinned. "Well, let's make sure you're the only one close enough to me today to do that."

His fingertips lightly traced the line of my scooped neckline, slowing over the swell of my breasts. He pulled at the neckline gently and his frown deepened while he kept looking down my dress. "I'll be adding my marks to your skin tonight."

Then he brushed his knuckles over the cuts along my shoulders. "Never. Again."

Mal almost growled the words, and I loved him for that promise. "I know, Mal."

He straightened, positioning my hair back where it was. His usual frowny smug look was back on his face. "Let's go. The sooner we're done, the sooner my cock can calm down."

After helping me into my coat, he grabbed his jacket and then handed me a travel mug with my coffee and a brown paper bag. Threading our fingers together, Mal led me downstairs to the garage where his car was already running.

It was a sleek black sporty thing, similar to the blue one they had driven to Maine. My eyes went to Mal, to the car, and back again. For some reason, I didn't think it was his. Once I was inside, I was positive it wasn't.

My mood shifted severely and immediately. Mal said nothing as he backed Riley's car out of the garage, shifted into gear, and took off. I didn't want to get bogged down in thoughts of my brother. It seemed I was now in the anger stage of my grief, and for no rational reason whatsoever, this car was pissing me off.

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