chapter 2-secret

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Adam's pov:

It's been 4 hours and Emily hadn't come back yet and I didn't see lute anywhere she would be here with me right now but she no where

*where the hell can that two be it's been 4 fucking hours I should ask Sarah *Adams head

I went to Sarah I found her in her office

"Hey Sarah have you seen Emily or lute by any chance? " I ask

"No why? " she ask

"Well Emily said she would go and find lute but that was 4 hours ago and I don't know where they're are " I explained

"Oh... Maybe they're hanging out and just didn't tell you" Sarah said

"Maybe but tell me if you seen them " I said

"Fine " Sarah said

I nodded and leave her office

(Weeks later)

I saw Emily I run up to her

"Emily where the hell have you been? " I ask

"Oh nothing just anyways you  won't see lute anymore... 'She said

" what why what happened?! "I was worried

" I can't tell you... And don't try going to her room no one's there... She move out... "Emily said

" WHAT?!"I said shocked

"Adam lower you're voice" Emily said

"Where the hell is she? "I ask again

" I can't tell you "Emily said

" Emily I asking where is she"I ask again

"Adam she quit ok "Emily said

" yes I know that but where the hell is she? "I ask

" she didn't tell me... "Emily said

I sigh and nodded

" I'll be going now Sarah is waiting for me"Emily said and flew away

*I'm so worried... *Adam's head

Weeks later adam wasn't the same he has more anger issues like ever he won't even show any emotions anymore he even started going to the gym and it had a huge change to him he's even so strict

Emily's pov:

I was with lute helping her in through her pregnancy

"Lute do  think you can handle this pregnancy? " I ask

"Idk... But I'm not giving up of it" lute said 

"Yes don't give up you still have 7 months to go" I said

"Ugh... " lute said

"Don't worry you'll be a great mom" I said

"I hope so "lute said

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