A Royal Reckoning

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My afternoon nap was abruptly interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Startled, I looked up from my chair to find a pair of imposing guards, clad in the royal colors of Eldoria, standing at my doorstep. I shrieked audibly and quickly cleared the incriminating evidence from my table— vials and flasks flying everywhere. Panic surged within me as I envisioned my life crumbling before my eyes. You lived a good life, Lila.

"What do you want?" I stammered, attempting to sound casual despite the sweat beads on my forehead.

One of the guards cleared his throat. "By order of Queen Marcella, you are to accompany us to the castle immediately." The words hung in the air like a heavy fog. My mind raced, conjuring images of dungeons and dire consequences. Had my secret finally caught up with me?

In a fit of nerves, I blurted out, "Is it about the potatoes I've been selling? Because, you see, I get they're not as fresh as I claim...but I mean, they're still, um, edible?"

The guards exchanged puzzled glances before one of them replied, "The queen didn't specify the reason for your summons. Just come with us."

With apprehension, I accompanied the guards through the winding streets of Eldoria, my mind swirling with thoughts of impending doom. As we approached the grand gates of the castle, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was about to face the consequences of my rebellious practice. Upon entering the opulent halls of the castle, my fears were heightened by the grandeur that surrounded me. I envisioned a shiny guillotine awaiting my arrival. Instead, I found myself ushered into a lavishly adorned chamber, where Queen Marcella awaited.

"Lila," she greeted me with a measured tone, her regal presence casting an intimidating aura.

I took a hesitant step forward, my eyes darting between the guards and the queen. "Your Majesty, I-I can explain-"

The queen waved a dismissive hand, her eyes narrowing in contemplation. "No need for explanations just yet. Your potions have gained quite the reputation I must say, do you enjoy defying the natural order of things?"

I shifted uncomfortably under her scrutiny, aware of the damning position I found myself in. "Your Majesty, I assure you, I meant no harm."

The queen suddenly chuckled, her laughter resonating through the chamber. "Ah, silly girl, you underestimate the power of your own creations. I'm not here to reprimand you. In fact, I see an opportunity for you to use your talents for a higher purpose."

I blinked, processing the sudden shift in tone. "Higher purpose?"

"I have a proposition for you, Lila," the queen continued, her gaze penetrating. "Your talents could be of great service to the kingdom. Specifically, to my son Prince Elian who's in need of a suitable bride. Your potions, it seems, could be the key to finding the perfect match."

My mouth hung open in disbelief. A love potion for the prince? The irony was not lost on me.

"Your Majesty, I am honored by your offer, but I must express my reservations, my potions cannot create love out of thin air, there must be feelings already present."
The queen studied me with a calculating gaze before her lips curled with a hint of disdain. "Love, my dear, is a luxury we can ill afford. Political alliances, on the other hand, are a necessity. Your potions have the power to forge connections where sentimentality falls short."

I felt the weight of the decision pressing upon me—the choice between aligning myself with the royal court and risking the consequences of refusing the queen's request. As I mulled over the options, Queen Marcella leaned in, her eyes locking onto mine. "Consider your position carefully, child. In exchange for your services, I can offer you protection and privilege."

The offer hung in the air, the gravity of the situation sinking in. I glanced around the grand chamber, feeling the weight of history and tradition bearing down on me. This was not just about my humble business anymore; it was about navigating the treacherous waters of royal politics. Damn you, Damien.

The guards escorted me back down the castle halls, and as I turned a corner, I nearly collided with a figure leaning casually against the wall. "So, you're the alchemist," he drawled, his eyes locking into mine with nonchalance.

"Prince Elian," I greeted, inclining my head in a respectful nod.

"It appears you have a tendency for stirring up trouble," Elian remarked, as his eyes narrowed.

I straightened my posture, meeting his gaze. "Trouble, Your Highness, is merely a side effect of innovation."

Elian chuckled, a sound that echoed through the corridor. "Innovation or chaos, perhaps?"

"Depends on your perspective," I replied, refusing to let his demeanor unravel my composure.

"I don't need a potion to find a bride," Elian declared with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Love, like any other matter, can be managed without the interference of magic."

I raised an eyebrow, humored by his audacity. "And yet, here we are. No bride in sight."

He stepped closer, his presence demanding attention. "My mother seems to believe you possess a unique talent. I, on the other hand, reserve judgment until proven otherwise."

I couldn't help but scoff at his arrogance. "So, you're skeptical?"

"Skepticism is an understatement," he replied, a smirk playing on his lips. "I've seen charlatans and tricksters attempt to sway the hearts of the court with their so-called magic. Color me unimpressed."

I bit back a retort, refusing to let his dismissive attitude get under my skin. "Ah, forgive me, Your Highness, for not living up to the standards of your court magicians."

Elian's eyes sparkled with amusement, and he leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I must admit, you're different from the usual parasites that frequent these halls. It's intriguing."
The proximity was unnerving, and I took a step back, refusing to let him get to me. "Intriguing or not, my purpose here is to fulfill the queen's request. No more, no less."

He grinned, his charm radiating like a forcefield. "You know, for someone so determined to prove her worth to me, you're no fun."

"Fun," I scoffed, "is subjective, and my definition does not involve engaging in verbal sparring matches with entitled princes."

Elian's laughter echoed once again, a sound that was surprisingly infectious. "Entitled, perhaps. But charming, undoubtedly."

I shot him a withering look, unimpressed by his attempts at flattery. "Save your charm for someone who's actually interested, I'm not here to entertain your royal whims"
Elian stepped back, a smirk playing on his lips. "The alchemist has a backbone. I like it. Consider my royal whims thoroughly entertained."

With that, he sauntered away, leaving me standing in the corridor with the guards. I couldn't help but wonder if the task bestowed upon me by the queen was merely a game in Elian's eyes. The proud prince seemed uninterested in matters of the heart, his arrogance a shield against the vulnerabilities that lay beneath. I couldn't deny the electrifying energy that crackled between us—an energy that promised both challenge and a hint of something more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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