TWENTY-NINE: The Threats

Start from the beginning

A note was stabbed to the empty bookshelf, running towards it, I pulled it out of the bookshelf and unfolded it, I gulped as I recongized the handwriting and started reading.

You think you can disappear from me? I'm coming for you Nana and when I do, I'll make you regret ever leaving Tu'la without my permission.

I gulped and turned around to see Zane standing there, he walked towards me as everyone else jumped down and looked around in surprise and confusion.

Handing the note to him, he read over it and over again before stopping to hear creaking noises and I realized the house was going to fall down any second now.

"Get down!" I shouted and created a fire barrier around us all to burn everything down before it can reach us, holding it in place I watched everything slowly burn to a crips before it reached us.

The dust covered us as I let it drop and looked around to see my house was nothing anymore and everyone looked down at us relieved, snapping my fingers and moved them upwards.

Stairs formed for us and I pushed Aphmau up them first and Dale was there to help us all out carefully while Donna started checking us for any injuries.

"What was that about!" Garroth shouted, I turned around to look at him for a moment before looking at Laurance who had the note in his hand now.

"I need to speak to you, Garroth, Zane, and Aphmau right now" I said, they nodded their heads and I led them away from everyone else and into the forest.

I stayed silent as we kept walking while everyone else started finding things to rope off the area around my house so no one would end up falling into it.

Stopping near the small creek, I looked around to make sure no one was coming before wrapping my arms around myself and staring at them for a moment.

"Kawaii-Chan, what's wrong?" Aphmau asked.

"I have something to tell you because I know who did this. But I need you and Garroth to stay calm. Zane already knows most of it and so does Laurance, but you two need to promise to stay calm" I said, Aphmau and Garroth looked at each other for a moment.

"Promise" Garroth said.

"I promise" Aphmau said, I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through the strands of hair out and pushed it out of my face, I looked back at Laurance and Zane once more, they nodded their heads.

"My real name is Nana Ashida" Garroth's eyes widened and I could tell the calmness was completely gone.

"You're an Ashida!" Garroth shouted, I nodded my head.

"What's wrong with the Ashida's?" Aphmau asked, I looked to her.

"You know the regions correct? How's there Tu'la and you almost ended up in Tu'la briefly for a moment," Aphmau nodded her head with a confused look on her face. "Tu'la is not just a region, it is a Kingdom with many settlements around the boarder. But despite having a King and Queen, Tu'la is not run by the Queen and King" Aphmau blinked a few times.

"Who runs Tu'la then?" Aphmau asked.

"The High Lord. And the Ashida family is the High Family as they call it, I am apart of that family. My father is High Lord and my mother is High Lady. They have twelve childrens, I'm the seventh child and it's custom for the children of the High Lord and High Lady to follow extremely strict rules. They are to learn at least five languages by the time they are ten. I know fifteen. They are meant to learn how to fight from the High Lord, the King, the head guard of the Tu'lan army, and highly trained assisans. And they can't leave without permission from the High Lord himself" I explained, Aphmau sighed.

"You didn't ask for permission did you?" She asked, I shook my head.

"My father knew what I was capable of and wanted to turn me into a weapon. I didn't want to become some sort of murderous weapon, I've only killed when I had too. During the attack on O'Khasis and when I was running away" I explained.

"Did you kill guards?" Garroth asked, I nodded my head.

"I killed half of the Tu'lan army with the snap of my fingers. It was the only way I was going to escape. My mother helped me run away but I didn't let anyone know that and no one knows that. My father has a lot of reasons to hate me and one of them is because I made a fool out of him by destroying half of his army like they were nothing but ants" Garroth's eyes widened.

"You were the person who did that!" I nodded my head.

"Yes. So with resisting being a weapon for him, killing half of his army, and running away without his permission the second he decides to come for me. Only one of us will walk away" Everyone started shaking their heads.

"No! We can protect you!" Aphmau shouted.

"Not from him. Not even Irene herself could stop him from getting to me and he will get to me. Even if it means destroying Phoenix Drop to do it and I can't let that happen" I said, Laurance stared at me.

"No way! You aren't doing that! Kawaii-Chan it is unsafe and you don't know if you'll be able to beat him!" Laurance shouted.

"What's going on?" Garroth asked, I looked to Zane.

"The only way she can walk away from this is if she challenges the High Lord himself to a fight to the death" Zane whispered. 

Zane⁓Chan: The High Priest's Love: REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now