Sorcerer to the Rescue

Start from the beginning

"Captain, I thought they would've come out by now." One of the lieutenants voice their concern towards him, causing him to realize it as well.

It's quiet...too quiet. 

Usually when monsters spawned from the Fragmentum came about, they came in like a tidal wave of zombies, uncaring about who they eliminate so long as it's not one of their own kind.

They're like a hive mind, with a hatred for all those living. 

Yet, they've yet to find a single Fragmentum monster. Now, if only there's-

Gepard narrows his eyes as he turns down a narrow street. Black crystal growths still sprout forth from nearby buildings and streets, showing the evidence of their existence and spread.

So why is it that they've yet to find anything resembling them, and why does it looks like some of the buildings have been blown off?

Gepard blinks for a second, recognizing the anomaly in that. Taking a glance at some of the nearby areas, a few of the abandoned buildings have been unnaturally shaved off, crater marks upon some of them.

While one can chalk it up to the elements taking their effect on the architecture, this section was abandoned years ago, not even reaching a decade's worth of timespan. Buildings don't dilapidate that quickly unless the construction is that bad.

No, it doesn't make sense. While the Fragmentum are hardly caring about life in general, they only attack if they see a human on sight, never bothering to waste time on blowing up buildings just because.

Unless there's a fight that happened here recently. That's the only evidence as to what happened here. No mere soldier or even one single battalion is capable of holding their own against so many. It's utter suicide.

He also hasn't received any reports of someone going their own way either, knowing the threat they they face.

But how? Who could be responsible for what happened here?

"Captain! We found someone fighting off the Fragmentum monsters by himself!" One of the squads report to him.


Satoru Gojo, Minutes Ago...

Welp, waking up in the middle of nowhere was certainly not on his bucket list.

The sensation of being cut in half was not as painful as he thought. It was akin to a pinprick of a needle: Quick, and easy.

The sensation of pain lancing through his waist was a wide one, going from one side to the other. Before he knew it, he couldn't even feel his legs anymore.

It was odd. He thought he'd feel bitter about his title being claimed from him. The title of being the Strongest Sorcerer.

For too long he held onto that title, an accolade that's both a badge of honor and a burden be bore possessing the Six Eyes and the Limitless technique from the Gojo family.

During that brief moment, he felt as if a burden has been lifted from his shoulders. A burden he's carried since he was but a child. 

He wasn't known as Satoru Gojo: The Strongest Sorcerer of Today.

Merely his name, and nothing more. A powerful cog within the blasted messed up system of Jujutsu society, but still one nonetheless.

Though, he never thought the afterlife would be so cold.

Oh wait, this isn't the afterlife. He somehow came here. Surrounded by these things with his legs somehow attached to his body. Not that he's complaining since at least he doesn't have to worry about crawling around like an invalid for the rest of his life. From the looks of it however, new things come with a price to pay.

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