"Is Soo-ah currently learning in her sleep?" The history teacher asks and I look over at Soo-ah and smile.

"Cute," Tae-hoon swoons from the back and I smile, Soo-ah and Tae-hoon are really goals. I sigh and put my head down once the teacher leaves.

"Wait, why do you have my phone?" I hear Hyun-kyu's voice from the back of the class and whip my head over to see Jjoo standing in front of him with his phone in her hand. Seo-jun shows up behind them and snatchess the phone from her hand and Jjoo waves me over urgently, I quietly make my way to her side.

"What's this about?" Seo-jun looks down at the phone.

"Oh, it's nothing!" Jjoo grabs his phone from Seo-jun and deletes the picture before setting the phone down on Hyun-kyu's desk. "Sorry about that," I smile at Hyun-kyu and he grins back, seemingly forgetting about what just happened and I walk out of the class with Jjoo.


"Seriously, why has she been sleeping all day?" Soo-jin sits on the desk next to Jjoo's.

"She was up all night looking for a part time job," I laugh.

"What? A part-time job?" Soo-jin grins and leans over and moves a piece of Jjoo's hair from her neck, "No wonder she's tired," Soo-jin stops dead in her tracks and stares at Jjoo's neck. I frown and lean over to see what she was staring at when I see the expensive swan necklace that Jjoo was always wearing. I wonder why Soo-jin looks so upset at that.

"You guys wanna go to the cafeteria first?" Soo-ah asks and Soo-jin turns around and walks out of the classroom making Soo-ah and I look at each other in confusion.

"I'm gonna wait for Jjoo, you and Tae-hoon can go ahead," Soo-ah nods and stands up, skipping to Tae-hoon.

Jjoo wakes up after 5 minutes and I set my phone down and she sits up. "Jjoo, I had a question," I say as we start walking to the cafeteria.


"Where'd you get that necklace?" I point at the swan.

"Oh, this?" She holds it up and smiles at it, "Su-ho gave it to me," My eyes widen once all the dots connect, of course Soo-jin liked Su-ho everything makes sense. The way she looked at him, the jealousy whenever Jjoo and Su-ho were together. She must be pissed right now.


"Why did you have to drag me to find part-time jobs with you?" I groan as Jjoo drags me to the fifth location. "Also, where's my fried chicken?"

"Is that the only reason you came?" Jjoo glares at me.

"Obviously, you're the one who offered fried chicken,"

"Shut up, I'll get it for you after we're done," I huff and follow her into the cafe and sit on the couch as she talks to the manager. After 10 minutes Jjoo finally walks back out from behind the curtains and I run up to her. "Finding a part-time job isn't easy," She pouts.

"You're so right," I sympathise, "Can I have fried chicken now?"

She glares at me and nods before pulling out her phone and calling someone but when they don't pick up she sets it back in her pocket. "Who was that?"

"Su-ho, he's not picking up," She frowns.

"He's probably busy," I shrug, "Before we eat can I go to the bathroom?" She nods and follows me to the bathrooms and I walk into a stall. When I get out I gasp and cover my eyes at the sight of Seo-jun pulling off his top in the middle of the bathroom. "What the fuck, Seo-jun?!" I yelled and hit him with my bag, "You weirdo, get out!" I continue and he winces with every hit.

how to be a rich b*tch | han seojunWhere stories live. Discover now