008: M is for Molly.

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~🎈~ELEPHANTS MEMORYseason three, episode sixteen(3x16)~💌~

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season three, episode sixteen

WHEN EDDIE TURNER WAS FIFTEEN, HE HEARD A RUMOUR THAT HIS SISTER WAS KISSING BOYS IN CARS. At first, it was too bizarre to believe. He knew his sister as the person who drove him to his soccer games, who bought him novels, who made sure he had a packed lunch everyday.

She wasn't interested in kissing. She just couldn't be.

Then, on one rainy day (he knew this because he was stood in it, his boots drenched and muddy), she was late picking him up. When her ruddy car turned the corner, and his back began soaking the passenger seat, she claimed she had 'got caught up with something'. Her smudged lipstick and mis-buttoned blouse told him everything.

It was after that he started trusting her less.

Lucy remembered what he was wearing on the day she realised she'd finally lost him. She had met his eye, and nothing needed to be said (not much would be heard over the blaring sirens near them anyway). He was torn apart. A fifteen year old, with a heart already broken. He was a rather short fifteen year old, she had always noted about him.

She wondered how tall he was now.

She didn't expect to hear from him. Really, she'd be the last person he'd want to talk to, but she'd probably be one of the first he thought about. And she considered that every time the anniversary rolled around, though her heart ached equally as much. Time is a healer, supposedly. Lucy couldn't believe that.

She never woke with a start. She'd never gasp from a nightmare. She'd never be pulled from her dreams screaming. One second, her subconscious would claw at her, sun peeking through the branches of trees pointing at her, and the next second her eyes would flutter open and she'd realise she wasn't back there. She wasn't surprised that Theo could sleep so soundly at her side.

Lucy had always been good at pretending to be fine.

She had always wanted to be an actress after all.

So, when she woke from another night spent subconsciously twisting and turning, she slid from the covers of Theo's bed, pulled a t-shirt over her naked body and padded to the bathroom. That's when she startled. Every time she stared in a mirror, she was shocked at how similar she looked to that pitiful girl in all those case files she hid in her closet.

Lucy blinked. And for a second she pitied herself. Until she realised it was pathetic, and completely unfair to do so. And, for every second she felt that, she would grow to hate herself a little bit more. Pity, was she even deserving of it?

Eddie. She wished he would talk to her.

She shook the wish away. She didn't know who she was praying to, but she figured she knew enough now to know no one was listening. And even so, it would take a miracle for him to budge. It had been ten years, after all.

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