002: i don't know how, but i'm taller, must be something in the water.

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~🕷~ABOUT FACE Season three, episode six

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Season three, episode six.

LUCY HAD A KNACK FOR PRETENDING. She'd developed an old state of mind, one which stated: she didn't need anybody. And although Lucy quite literally studied human behaviour, and saw first hand what abandonment and complete isolation could do to a person, the thought remained like that stubborn coffee stain that she couldn't remove from what had been her favourite blouse. Lucy had always been stubborn. And she found it hard not to be adamant that she was in the right.

To feel the way she did. After all, feelings couldn't be helped.

But in the night, when she should be recuperating from the long hours this tasking job stole from her, when honesty wasn't all too hard to come by, she couldn't help but feel she was sleeping in something closely mirroring. . .guilt. The thought lingered, that she had some sort of ulterior motive regarding her secrecy. She had never denied being a little bit selfish.

But she also found room to cut herself some slack. Because, as far as she was concerned, she had gotten through most of her life abandoned and isolated. Being labelled a loser on your first week of freshman year would do that to a girl. That, alongside the abomination that was her family tree, she didn't exactly have it easy growing up.

The team needn't know that. They needn't know anything. And she never believed she would ever feel any urge to tell them about her upbringing, under any circumstances. In her mind, she had burnt that noose from her neck the second she stepped foot on the doorstep of the FBI, and she had cut herself free from that life.

No loose ends. No unfinished business.

It was done.

Marianne Byrne was dead. And in Lucy's opinion, it was desirable she stayed buried.

Lucy knew how she was perceived. Heck, it was in her job description that she could read people. And, although that didn't exactly make her a mind reader, she was pretty darn close. She knew she was hard to read. And she knew that left her coworkers feeling frustrated, and questioning their own skills. But it was for her greater good. She had vowed, 'they will never need to know.'

But she had seen a ghost.

And now all that was in jeopardy, with him lingering in the office, suited and all knowing. Lucy hadn't seen David Rossi in a very, very long time. But here he was, at her work, on her team. Lucy had been sending betrayed daggers Hotch's way ever since she had learned the news. David Rossi was out of retirement and picking up where he left off.

Everything David Rossi needed to stay buried with the rest of it. But, here he was, clawing his way out from the sunken soil, ruining Lucy's morning. Even her CD labelled 'please take a fucking chill pill' hadn't eased her nerves.

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