007: quarantined in a bad dream.

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~🫂~DAMAGED season three, episode fourteen(3x14)~🎈~

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season three, episode fourteen

LUCY HAD ALWAYS THOUGHT HER MEMORY WAS AN ENEMY OF HERS. Try as she might to remember every little detail, it seemed like a mental block was present and invincible. She didn't know how things had gotten so bad. She didn't even remember when the bad had begun. All she remembered was the very best of her days (which were few, looking back), and the very worst.

Lucy had a great skill in making a good thing turn sour. In the beginning and in the end, he hadn't changed much, on the outside or the inside, but he looked different. Any time she caught glimpse of a photo from the past, or anytime she had a nightmare and he popped up (he was a prominent actor in her dreams), her heart burned in a way it wouldn't with anyone else. This burning fuelled her with anguish. Regret. He had promised her she wouldn't regret him.

Lucy now had a hard time believing promises could ever be kept.

She didn't know whether she blamed him for her lack of luck in the dating scene. With all of his baggage and her dissipating feelings for Spencer, it was no wonder she laughed before even considering 'putting herself out there'. But over the last few weeks, she felt good. She felt recognised. Maybe it was Theo's attentiveness that put that extra step in her stroll. She couldn't be sure, and she didn't care to be. She simply revelled in the feeling of feeling. . .better (if just by a smidge).

And she wasn't the only one who noticed the shift in her everyday mood. She entered work with her perfectly glossed lips tugged into a smile, phone commonly to her ear, uttering something along the lines of, "I'll see you tonight." And she sat at her desk and hummed endlessly (which irked her desk partner, Derek, who found it incredibly hard to concentrate) as she scrawled paperwork which most would find draining. The honeymoon phases of the relationship was hitting her, she knew. And perhaps she should be more wary, for it was common for the hardships to start piling up as things got more serious. She'll worry about that when the time comes, she promised herself. All she knew was that this was the first stretch of weeks where she hadn't wallowed in grief in the dimly lit corners of her apartment, reliving all the bad.

Maybe she'd be able to let go, forget the feeling that had been prodding at her for the last decade. The feeling that something was wrong. Perhaps she could accept that it was done, and there was no amount of digging that would uncover something missed. People were gone, villains were seized, it was done.

"You! I need you, Lucy Byrne." Her ears perked up at the mentioning of her name, and she was met with a very frantic, frazzled Penelope. She waved her hands in all directions, emulating just how frazzled she was, before pointing to her office. "We have a code purple! Code purple, I say!"

Lucy couldn't quite remember just what a code purple entailed (they had come up with the coloured system a long time ago) but she understood it must have some gravity if it got Penelope so, well, frazzled. "Okay, okay, following," Lucy assured her, and the pair, after warranting a lot of attention, slipped into Penelope's cave.

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