Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and The Garden of Hesperides (1)

Start from the beginning

Luke got a bit serious. This is what got me curious about Camp Half-Blood's ace prodigy. He could be as cool as a cucumber, then turn rigid and serious the next moment later. 

Luke: We're here. Stay next to me. A garden like this isn't going to be low on security. 

I nodded. 

The Garden of Hesperides, the land of an eternal sunset. With a golden light cast on the numerous amounts of ripe fruits across this land of vegetation, it was the perfect place for a particular fruit, the one they've been tasked to look for. 

A golden apple...

Our plan was very simple, arrive there close to night and stay close into the bushes, meandering around to snatch a golden apple from the sacred tree that's protected by Ladon, the dragon. Then we bring it back to the god of messengers, and Luke's father, Hermes. Just from talking to Luke for a day, I could tell this mission meant everything to him. 

It was the first time his father had asked something of him. It would also be one of the only times he could meet him in the flesh if we were successful.

Luke and I continued crouching around, sneaking from bush to bush, making sure not to get spotted by any of the nymphs and especially the dragon that resided in the garden. It was all for the sake of golden apples. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to have a bite of one myself. What would it taste like? Would it be deliciously sweet, or unbearably bitter? I don't know. I'm too curious...

 Hesperide: What are a pair of demigods doing in our gardens?!


A quick swing from a hand featuring long, serrated claws, almost hit Luke and I. 

I saw the attack a bit quicker than Luke, since he was still strategizing on the correct path to take towards the tree above. Tugging on Luke, he immediately became alert and moved us away from the strike.

From right behind us, a Hesperide, a nymph of evening, confronted us while holding what we so graciously been after, a golden apple.

From right behind us, a Hesperide, a nymph of evening, confronted us while holding what we so graciously been after, a golden apple

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Another name they were famously called was 'Hesperides of the West.' Three in total resided in this Garden. Being daughters of Atlas and Hesperis, they tended to the Garden, making sure everything was well-kept. Occasionally, they would pluck some golden apples off the sacred tree to satiate themselves. It looks like this one was no different.  

Luke's eyes widened. We've been caught...

Immediately, both of us stood up, Luke instigating the conversation. 

Luke: Hehe, we recently heard so much about this beautiful garden alongside beautiful Nymphs such as yourselves, Hesperide. And I haven't even mentioned the golden apple you're holding in your hand. Ah, I have a proposal, you can grow countless golden apples in this garden. Why not hand over one so you can get something even more incredible? Here, has a look at our gesture of good faith~

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