Part - 3

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21. The Power of Priming:

Subtle cues in your environment can influence your behavior. For example, exposure to positive words or images can prime a more positive mindset.

22. The 10-Minute Rule for Procrastination:

If a task feels overwhelming, commit to working on it for just 10 minutes. Often, getting started is the hardest part, and you may find yourself continuing beyond the initial 10 minutes.

23. Silence as a Negotiation Tactic:

Embrace moments of silence during negotiations. It can create discomfort, leading the other party to reveal more information or make concessions.

24. The 'But You Are Free' Technique:

When making a request, add a statement that emphasizes the person's freedom of choice. For example, "You are free to say no." This can increase compliance.

25. Use Smells for Memory Enhancement:

Associate specific scents with information you want to remember. Smells are powerful triggers for memory recall.

26. The Contrast Principle in Communication:

When making a request, precede it with a larger, less reasonable request. The initial request sets a contrast, making the second, more reasonable request more likely to be accepted.

27. The Broken Record Technique:

Repeating a simple, assertive statement calmly can be effective in negotiations or when dealing with persistent questions.

28. Color Influence on Mood:

Use colors strategically in your environment. Warm colors like red and orange can be energizing, while cool colors like blue and green can be calming.

29. The Power of Touch:

Gentle touch can create a sense of connection and trust. A light touch on the shoulder or a handshake can influence social interactions positively.

30. The 20-Second Rule for Habit Formation:

Make positive habits 20 seconds more accessible and negative habits 20 seconds more difficult to initiate. This small adjustment can influence behavior.

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