Broomsticks and Duels/Year 1

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Greyson was starting to hate Snape. Tonight, was his second detention, and Harry's third. Greyson was required to miss last Friday having been in the Hospital Wing through dinner and told to go straight to the Common Room after that.

The fact that he had been in the Hospital Wing had not excused him from the detention they had earned. After Auntie Min had heard the whole story of Friday, she was livid, to put it mildly. She agreed to Snape's punishment, and then another one on top of it. He found it "but Malfoy got off scot-free.

His third detention would be Friday night.

They walked down in silence. He had thanked Ron and Harry about last week, but Ron had made it very clear it was only because he was a Gryffindor, otherwise they would have left him. Harry hadn't spoken up for him, thus Greyson was ignoring him as best he could.

He didn't know what to think of Harry. A few times he had told Ron to stop, or stuck up for him or others, but it was sporadic and most times he seemed to defer to Ron.

Looking at Harry again, he looked at how much he looked like their father, James. The green eyes were even more distinctive than Edmund's own auburn hair, both declaring they were their mother's sons as well. Harry was almost a full head shorter than him while Greyson was as tall as Ron. After a moment, Harry turned to look at him. "Get a good enough look," Harry said dismissively pulling his bangs further over his forehead. "Everyone tries to get a better look at my scar."

"I wasn't looking at your scar," Greyson told him truthfully.

Harry snorted. "Yeah, right."

Greyson shook his head. "I have my own. I don't need to see yours," Grey said in an snarky tone.

The look Harry gave him said Greyson knew nothing about it. "Yeah, right. Everyone has scars like mine."

Greyson didn't push, instead staring ahead. He was sure Hermione and Neville were the only ones that knew about the scar and Hermione had warned him about starting anything.

He wasn't sure what had gotten into her lately, besides the fact that an evening in the hospital wing and these detentions were totally destroying her schedules.

He didn't want to be in any more trouble and was pretty sure Hermione may curse him if
he lost more points or got more detention.

He believed she could curse him too. She already knew a few more spells than him, but Greyson did seem to be excelling at Charms. The first two classes he had gotten them quicker than her. Except for charms and potions, Hermione was in the lead over him.

They were quiet as they reported to Snape's Classroom.

When the door opened at exactly seven, they moved in. "Ah, the two Potters. Glad to see you this evening," the Potions "Master said in a snarl.

Neither of them spoke, though he didn't miss how Harry stiffened. Snape seemed to know he hit a cord, just like all bullies seemed to scent when blood was in the water. "I have a job this evening that is perfect for twins."

"He is not my brother," Harry said quietly. Just like always, Greyson felt like a knife in his gut. He had hoped that they could become friends when he had found out about Harry, but in a week and a half, he was learning that would not be the case.

Snape smiled at them. "Was that you speaking out of turn, Mr. Potter?"

Harry was quick to answer, "No, sir."

It was so quick that Greyson had the feeling it was a gut reaction. The words had started even before Snape had finished.

It had the tone of someone who feared the consequences would be worse than just a detention. Snape looked at him for a few minutes. Greyson was waiting for the barb. The man had not missed a single opportunity on Monday.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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