A Potter In Need/Pre Year 1

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December 15th, 1989

Harry was looking over his shoulder as he readied himself to walk home. Dudley had
taken off with his friends and he had waited almost a half hour before leaving the playground. It was a very cool December day and his thin coat was forcing him to leave earlier than he normally would.

Shivering, he stood up from the swing and pulled his book bag up onto his shoulder. Looking around, he couldn't see any other children in sight. Hoping it was safe, he made his way out of the playground.

"Harry," a female's voice called and he pursed his lips.

"Hello, Mrs. Nelson." Harry turned to face a woman in her middle years with dark brown hair to match her chocolate skin and black eyes. She was in a heavy winter jacket, mittens and a hat. She was a very nice teacher, but he couldn't stop the envy that she was warm, even in her skirt and leggings.

"Where is your cousin? You aren't walking home alone," she asked.

He fought to keep his shivers from being noticeable. The last time a teacher had tried to be nice to him she had disappeared and he had been locked in his cupboard for two weeks, only allowed to go to the bathroom once in the morning and once he got home. He was let out for school but had been spanked hard when he came home late one day when Dudley and his friends had jammed him in a trash can.

"Oh, I'm meeting him just around the corner at Traver's Sweetshop. We go there a lot. Have a good day, Mrs. Nelson." He turned to go and closed his eyes when she spoke again.

"How about I walk you there? You really shouldn't be walking by yourself. Do you have a heavier coat?"

Harry shook his head. "Oh, yes. I just forgot it at home." He was praying she didn't ask anymore questions. He really wanted to eat tonight. It was Friday and if he was home too late or she asked questions, he may not eat until Monday when he gets back to school. Christmas wasn't that far off either and he really didn't want to be hungry over Christmas. He hated that feeling.

He didn't look up at her as she fell in step next to him. "All right, dear. Let's go meet your cousin Dudley."

Sighing, Harry led the way, waiting patiently with her to cross the street and walking the block and a half to the Sweet Shop. There was a wind down this street and it went right through his light jacket and shirt. By the time they got there, he couldn't hide the shivers. This was out of the way and would add ten minutes to his walk home now, but Mrs. Nelson wouldn't let him be.

"Thanks, Mrs. Nelson. I'll go inside and meet him. I'll see you Monday." He pushed the door open and stepped in.

Mrs. Nelson followed him in. "Let me just make sure that you two are all right to walk home together."

"No, you don't need too," Harry said very fast. He could see the instant concern on her face. "I'll just go find him and go home. We'll be all right."

She moved into the shop. "Good day, Ma'am. You and your boy looking for some sweets today," a kindly looking gentleman asked from behind a large counter of candy and baked goods. The smell was exquisite, and his stomach grumbled.

She frowned. "I'm sorry, he is one of my students. Have you seen his cousin, Dudley Dursely? He has blonde hair, blue eyes and about this tall?"

The man shook his head. "I haven't seen Dudley in here for a week. Is he lost? I haven't seen him before."

Harry backed away from both of them, but his way to the door was blocked. "Harry, I thought you said you come here all the time with your cousin."

"Oh, I usually just play outside while he buys us some of the pence candy. I don't usually like coming in here," he tried to lie as best he could. Being in the store was torturous for him. It was warm, there were luscious smells of chocolates, cakes, brownies and many other things he had no idea what they were. His stomach growled again.

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