A Brother What The F-/Pre Year 1

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Harry lay in his bed, his head spinning from everything today. In his hand was his light color holly wand. He spun it, still not believing he was a wizard. The only positive thing was that Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon hadn't said a word to him since he came home, and he actually received dinner, which was double the normal portion he would have been given. That still meant it was about a quarter of Dudley's or Uncle Vernon's plate.

After supper, he did the dishes and other chores they always required of him. Again, nothing was said and they let him go to his room without a word. He still had a mostly full bag of candy that Hagrid had insisted he get when they went into a sweet store. After Gringotts, Hagrid had become slightly more protective, not letting him out of his site and shuffling him from store to store, always looking over his shoulder and a few times turning the other way when he saw the tall austere looking witch. He had been introduced to her as Professor McGonagall. To Harry, his mind wandered much more to the red hair boy that the Professor had exclaimed as his brother.

Once that had come out, Hagrid had quickly ushered him away and wouldn't talk anything about it. The boy looked so different from him, how could he be his brother? Harry had black hair, green eyes and glasses. The boy hadn't needed glasses, had vibrant auburn hair, dark eyes and was taller, even if he was rather thin looking The only trait they seemed to share was the same messy hair that didn't want to be tamed he also looked quite handsome while Harry considered himself average.

If he had a brother, wouldn't someone have told him? He would think that would be very important. As far as he knew, his parent had been killed. Until yesterday, he thought in a car crash. Now he knew they had been murdered by some dark wizard named Voldemort. Never, had anyone mentioned he had a brother.

Then again, he hadn't known he was a wizard until almost twenty-four hours ago.

The more Harry thought of it, the more confused and upset he got.

The boy had obviously been loved. His parents had come with him. Greyson, was that his name? Greyson looked well kept, happy and cared for. Everything that Harry was not. Why would he have a brother, not know about him and why would the boy be infinitely more cared about than he was?

Why would Harry not have gone to live with his brother?

It was so confusing.

Trying to get his mind off it, Harry went to his new school trunk, took out a book on First Year spells and started to read it. He wondered if there was some way to get Hagrid, or Professor McGonagall to explain.

Greyson sat in the large chair in his living room that was his favorite. The light was behind it, just right for reading. Glasses on and hair as messy as ever. Hermione could easily curl up next to him when she was over. It had a good view of the television and his brother and sister tended to leave him alone when he sat in the chair.

His mum came down the stairs. "Amelia finally is down," she told his dad.

Greyson found that he wanted Hermione next to him. He wasn't sure how to rate this birthday. It was better than that one that Hermione and him had been attacked through
some magical link. No one had said it, but he had a feeling it had had something to do with Harry Potter. His Auntie had shuffled them through Diagon Alley. He didn't mind, he really didn't want to be there anymore after meeting his brother and dealing with the goblins.

Hermione had sensed his change in mood, but he couldn't say anything until they got home. He knew she went through the bookstore faster than she ever had, even then, coming away with four extra books not on their list and spending twenty minutes more than Lisa or him needed. His mood lifted when they visited the Quidditch store and she gave him his birthday gift, fifteen galleons to spend. It was better than getting his wand.

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