Chapter Six - Skeleton Flowers

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About a year ago I planned to release a Valentine's Day chapter, and around a year ago (plus a few weeks ‘cause I’m a slacker) I lost motivation for this story. Has it come back? Honestly, that's hard to tell. But hey, you're getting another chapter, so how bad could it really be?


            Hanging off the wall by a small nail jutting out of the kitchen door was a calendar, the soft pink roses and white feathered arrows watercolored on to the off white background suiting the day perfectly. With little red hearts penned by the number sat in the top corner of the box, you read the italicized words at the bottom of the date: Valentine’s Day. Holidays could never please everyone, and Valentine’s Day was by no means any different from the majority. Either it was hated by those left single on the lovey-dovey day or it was loved wholeheartedly by the lucky ones who managed to be coupled up. Even then, some couples found it pressuring; imagine messing up Valentine’s Day. Now that’s embarrassing. Being dead on Valentine’s Day was one of the worst things the ghosts could experience. Whether you died while romantically involved or not, the chances of you finding love again was slim. What made it worse for Y/N was that if they even tried to reminisce on past years when they were able to celebrate with the one they love they were very rudely reminded by their own thoughts that HELLO, their boyfriend literally murdered them, he was probably playing them from the very start!

Turning away from the calendar and the tragically cutesy design plastered upon it, you jumped nearly halfway out of your skin as you came face-to-face with the bear-mangled hippy herself. Jesus, they really loved to sneak up on people, huh? It must be a habit considering they’re able to get up in the livings’ business every day without any repercussions. Would Y/N become like that? Huh…

   “Whatcha looking at?” Flower questioned, tilting her head - and whole body for that matter - to the side a little, curiously looking you over. “You don’t look too hot.”

   “I always look hot,” Y/N shot back instantly, not even thinking before speaking. They gestured to the calendar, not bothering to face the mockingly happy artwork. “It’s Valentine’s Day.”

   “Ooh, yay!” Flower cheered. A large smile grew on her face as she clapped her hands a few times. She was bouncing on her feet a little before realizing that they still didn’t look happy. “Not ‘yay’?”

   “I’m dead,” they said simply, “and my boyfriend murdered me, so love is dead.”

   “Dang…” Flower’s smile dropped completely and she took a small step away. “Someone’s grouchy.”

   “Most of us are.”

The two hadn’t even noticed Pete’s arrival. Being able to sneak around really made sudden appearances really easy. The scoutmaster had an almost somber look on his face, a deeper upset look in the creases of his resting face. Y/N could very easily guess why he was so upset: it hadn’t taken much for them to learn about Carol, Pete’s wife. With the way he talked her up she sounded like a complete angel. If Alexi hadn’t gone all horror movie on Y/N then they would probably miss him just as much as Pete missed Carol. Then again, they weren’t married to Alexi, and Carol was Pete’s wife. Also, they didn’t have a child with Alexi, and Pete had a daughter, so there was also that. Damn, Pete lost a lot when he died.

   “A whole bunch of us are just lounging around the sitting room like our team lost the NBA Finals,” Pete said, hands on his hips as he shook his head. “It’s honestly kind of a sad sight.”

   “I’d imagine,” Y/N remarked. “Who’s there?”

   “Well, there was me, but Sas and Alberta are busy recounting their love lives to each other– It’s more Alberta recounting while Sas makes up stories of what he thinks his love life would’ve been while he was alive. Thor’s talked about how, um… for lack of better words ‘pitiful’ it was pretty happily.”

𝐆𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫 ❥ 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐤𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐳Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora