"Hey everyone, it's been a while."

"Of course it has been .How are things at your end. And how is Bessie?"

Jack asked carefully,as if waiting to see my reaction.

"Bessie is fine,actually I came to talk to you all about an issue, because I need your help."

Dave,Jake,Max, and Lewis all stopped drinking to look at me with wide eyes. Only Jack was calm.

"Well,you know you can always count on us."

"Okay,well, where do I start. The duke's daughter is back in town."

They all had smirks on their faces when I said that.

"She came to visit my parents today,and at that same hour,I got to know that Bessie is... carrying a baby."

I dropped the bomb shell, and I saw the astonished look on their faces. Max had the widest of eyes, which later turned to guilt.

"Damn brother, that is messed up. It's all my fault. I am so sorry."

"Actually, I am a bit happy."

"How are you happy? Are you sure you are okay? You look like you banged your head on something because you are not making sense right now. The woman you are betrothed to arrived ,and that same day, the maid you got involved with over a month ago is carrying a child. And with what you told us last time,she was a virgin. So I think we all know that they child is undoubtedly yours,and yet you are happy. Please explain. "

"Well..as crazy as it seems,I discovered not so long ago that I have feelings for Bessie, I thought it was guilt at first, but this feeling is something else. I think of her all the time,I try to find ways so that our paths cross, and I can get the chance to have a conversation with her. I see her in my dreams, and ... don't look at me like that, Jack. I'm not infatuated. I know what I feel. I can't just say it."

They got silenced for something before Max spoke up.

"So me drugging your drink turned up good,right?"

"No,I still regret what I did,I know it will take some time to forget,or maybe k never will. But I am happy that she is the one to carry my baby."

Dave asked me,

"And is she happy about it?"

"I think what you mean is ; does the feel the same about you?"

Jake added. I sighed.

"I don't know,but I hope she does."

Even Lewis was quiet. I could see they all were deep in thoughts.
Quietly, Lewis spoke up.

"And what about the duke's daughter? How do you think she will feel if she gets to know that someone you are in love with is carrying your child?"

"Honestly, I do not know. And no one apart from me,Vera and Bess know abojt it. And now you guys. I have asked myself that question. It is obvious that I do not love lady Anna, I also know of the unspoken rule of a white and coloured relationship. It's unheard of,so I feel a bit scared, guys. How will my family take this news,and how will lady Anna take the news? I mean,it was quite obvious she came back because of the wedding. I..I just don't know what to do.
That is why I am here to ask for your help. I don't know how, but please, I need your support. I need to prove to people that love knows no boundaries.
Can you do that for me."

I looked at them with hope, I know this is going to be a battle, and I need to prepare for it. Because now I look like it's my choice of happiness against the world. To my relief, they nodded. They will help,I was so happy.
Now more than ever,I know I will win,I do not know how,but I have hope. And hope comes with faith. I felt very relieved.
Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing well. Another chapter done. How was this one? As always, I have been busy, but this time I will finish this. Feel free to vote, comment, and share. Take care, and stay safe. I love you all🩶🤍🧡🤎💜🩵🖤💚💛🩷❤️

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