Chapter 7: Dealing With An Assassin

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Currently right now the next morning, Sean could now be seen in the kitchen making some breakfast for both him and Nina.

While also on the side Sean, was going the share holders of Stark Industries seeing how much money he would need to completely mar sure he and Tony have control.

'Hmm, it seems that after making an exchange in gold I'll have more then enough funds to win a Hostile takeover' Sean thought to himself.

As Lucas has always had this in the back of his mind, now that this incident has occurred with Obadiah who is trying to take over Stark Industries.

So in the background these past months Sean has been able to get it legal for Stark industries to run, even without a board of directors which with many other corporations this would be very much illegal.

Yet Sean had found a loophole in this law many years ago, when Howard had taken both him and Tony to work with him when they were younger.


Many years ago when both Tony And Sean were younger, Howard decided on taking both his son's with him to work to show them what he does.

Which as they were walking, Howard had began explaining to the two about how he is the head of the company and the CEO.

"Dad what does the board do?" Sean asked Howard while, Tony had looked out of the window to see how some of the weapons are being created.

"Well Sean, the board is a group of people who represent the interests of a company's shareholders. It also provides guidance and advice to an organization's CEO and executive team. A board provides general oversight of operations without getting involved in day-to-day operations" Howard explained to Sean who seemed far for interested then Tony.

"If that's the case, I see there is no use in the board other then them being that of a last resort for the shareholders to get rid of the CEO if the stockholders see that person as a threat to their pockets. As if the board members, listen to the shareholders that means they can easily be manipulated to go against the CEO then I'd just get rid of them" Sean had said which had caused Howard to raise that of an eyebrow interested.

"Okay then Sean, how would you get rid of the board of directors since it is very much illegal not to have a board of directors on a public company so can you explain that to me?" Howard asked Sean who began thinking.

"Well you can preform that of a hostile take over" Sean said as he had then went into a full on five minutes about how, one person would be able to get rid of the board of directors the legal way without having any issue.

"And that's how dad" Sean said finishing, just leave Howard dumbstruck as he had began thinking about it and it started to make sense and this method does make sense and it very much, could work.

Howard looked around thankfully nobody else was with the, Tony was off not even paying attention or listening at all just looking at the weapons being made.

Howard had then quickly went down to Lucas height, looked him dead in his eyes with a serious look.

"My son Sean, no matter what hold this information do not tell it to anybody. Just incase one day when it need's to come take over the company. Alright?" Howard asked which Sean gave him a nod.

(Flashback End)

Ever since that day, Sean has held in this information which now it was time for him to take the company into his and Tony's hands.

With Sean calling in that of a board meeting, which he also now had went down to the basement to see Tony who currently now is fixing up his mark III armor as he had just came back from destroying the Stark Industries weapons that had been sold.

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