shirt on the floor!!

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This part is once again dedicated to princesskat20xo thank you so much honey for supporting me!

Back to present

Mr kang pov: the girl I met earlier, she does  have a point that boy is a little   dangerous........but my sugar pie wants to live with him so he must be deserving.... I should talk to y/n....

*he then called y/n and after some time she came in the garden*

Y/n:  yes appa?

Mr kang: umm I want to talk to you sugar pie, come sit here

*y/n c sat beside him and looked towards him and Mr kang continued*

Mr kang:  my sugar pie I will ask you a question you have to answer sincerely ok!

Y/n: ok appa!

Mr kang: do you think if I allow you to marry that boy I will never regret my dicision?

Y/n:  appa you know I met taehyung in an orphnage where he is an active member for their financial support and then we kept on meeting and I didn't know when I came so close to him that one day I felt that he is the only one who can complete my life and after being with him all these months I have realized that he is the one for me. Appa he prioritises my comfort over his, he makes me feel at ease when I am with him.

Mr kang:  I believe in your decision my sugar pie but the only thing that makes me hault my decision is your safety. I don't want to loose you. You are my only reason to live!

Y/n:  appa he is Kim taehyung! I don't have any life threat while being with him.......appa when I was little and I used to go out with you to the park I used to feel so safe and after you if I feel safe with someone it is taehyung,he makes me feel special so please don't worry about my safety he can fight with whole world for me!

Mr kang:  ok I will tell you my decision tomorrow after I meet him and ask him some questions that I have.

Y/n:  questions? What kind of questions appa? *she was asking him while trying to sound innocent so that he might tell her*

Mr kang:  umm I think you will know about that tomorrow after I talk to him, now you go to your room and take some rest ok.

Y/n:  ok appa.


Y/n: tae I had a talk with appa just now he said he might ask you some questions tomorrow and then he will tell us his decision.

Tae: what questions? Y/n did he tell you what questions he is going to ask me?
Y/n:  no he didn't, he said if he tells me the question I will inform you before hand.

Tae: baby what if it will be one of his strategies to fail me?

Y/n:  no I don't think he will do anything like that but I am getting worried.

Tae:  I think I will so him hyung what if he might know anything about these questions

Y/n:  yeah do that.

Tae: ok then bye for now.

Then he cut the call and called his jin hyung immidately.


Jin: so you are telling me Mr kang will interview you before he says his decision for your marriage with his daughter.

Tae:  exactly and I don't know what kind of questions he will ask so I want your help in that.

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