Brooklyn was exhausted when he couldn't thrust anymore. His shoulder was also bleeding. At least it would be healed tomorrow. He was left panting. He looked up at the female still on top of him.

"Ah! That was most refreshing of you, Brooklyn." Demona smiled down at him. "I knew you would make a good lover."

"I'm... not your lover." Brooklyn replied, winded. His broken wing had healed since too but was awkward from where it looked now.

"You were still good to make love to me to give me what I wanted." Demona retorted. "But now, there are more tests to come yet." She said as she then got off him. To her, the feel of his member coming out of her felt good. She might have wanted to do another round, but this was the last time.

She grasped her garments and put them on. She then also pulled up Brooklyn's loincloth and buckled the belt in place again. "Have fun with the humans." Demona smirked at him sinisterly before leaving.

After she was gone, Brooklyn couldn't help it that tears came to his eyes. He had just been raped again, for the third time that he knew of. And it was. He had had no choice. He also felt his erection subsiding under his loincloth.

It was only a short time after that that Anton and some men came into the room. There was definitely the smell of sex in the room. "Did the female treat you well in your lovemaking?" One of the men asked mockingly. The man saw the bleeding shoulder.

Brooklyn refused to let the man get to him. He glared up at the man angrily. His eyes were normal again.

"Likely, your heartbeat has gone down since the mating. I'm going to get a listen to it." Anton stated as he put on a stethoscope. He put it on Brook's chest.

Brooklyn's heart was still pounding hard from the exertion of mating and stress. His breathing was also fast. "Please... stop doing this to me..." He couldn't help but let out the sob that escaped his throat. The tears were already letting loose.

"Oh, that won't happen again for a long time." Anton replied. "But I think I'm going to get a look at your heart."

Those words frightened the young male to the core. "NO!" He yelled and tried to get loose. He struggled with everything he had in him to try to break the shackles. It was hard enough being stone in the daytime to these crooks and they had done nothing to harm him, but while he was flesh and blood at night, messing with his heart was one thing that scared him even greater.

When he wouldn't stop squirming, he was shocked when he didn't listen to stop. The jolt made him stop moving but left him breathing hard. Cold, hard fear crept into his very being.

"Why?" Brook asked sadly.

"Because it would be interesting to see what a gargoyle's heart looks like. Never seen one. Sure, we could use ultrasound, but it's not the same. And I want to see if it's more like a mammal's, or reptile's heart. Or if it's just different." Anton insisted with an evil smirk.

Brooklyn still shook his head. He also didn't want broken ribs.

"Oh, don't worry, you'll be fine." Anton proclaimed.

"How do you know? You just want to torture me!" Brook snapped.

"You have a point. But I know what I want for this test. Get the gas ready." Anton ordered.

A hose was once again forced down Brooklyn's throat and he was knocked out from drugs. The men cut into the middle of his chest and down his stomach a bit too.

The flesh was uncovered from over his ribcage and then the men found Brooklyn's heart. Anton timed its beating rhythm. He didn't cut through the ribcage or anything. He also saw that it was a four-chambered heart like a mammal's. He also saw the diaphragm. Well, that proved his thoughts were correct. Gargoyles were warm-blooded creatures and had mammal characteristics.

The men made sure excess blood was sucked up and his chest was sewn up again. Anton wanted some x-rays of Brooklyn's arms, skull, legs, tail, and wings too while he was still unconscious.

A portable x-ray machine was brought over, and pictures were taken of all of Brooklyn's limbs. X-rays were also taken of his ribs and pelvis too, with the collar off. This was just the best chance of having records of a gargoyle's bones while Brooklyn was out, and with the wings, to see how they connected to the shoulder blades on his back.

When the breathing tube was taken out of his throat to start letting him wake up, Brooklyn's lungs were also listened to also to see how many breathes he took per minute when his breathing was relaxed. He took about twenty breaths per minute.

When everything was done, Brooklyn was unstrapped from the table and bandages were wrapped around Brook's ribcage, upper stomach, and right shoulder. Then he was taken by stretcher back down to his cell to wake up. He was laid on his bed. Even when he woke up, he wouldn't want to move much. His shock collar was also reapplied.


Demona was glad she had gotten Brooklyn to mate with her one last time. It might be the last time they did. She had just wanted to grant him some sex to ease some boredom for him and wanted him to feel humiliated again.

If he wasn't going to join her cause, she was feeling like he had no further use for her. She would question him one more time later. For the rest of tonight, she let the men have their fun with him.


Brooklyn's surgery and x-rays had taken only two hours. Nothing had been done to harm his heart like the gargoyle had dreaded. Stone sleep would heal his chest wounds. But it would be a painful night as he started to come out of the anesthesia. At least the humans had been merciful on that part.

When the red male came out of the anesthesia a lot more, he felt a lot of pain. He had been given no painkillers. His chest felt like it was on fire. His stomach hurt too. When his vision focused, Brook looked down and saw his upper torso was covered in bandages. He also felt he was lying on a soft bed again. He saw he was back in his cell too.

His hands were loose again, as was his legs and tail. Brooklyn grimaced in pain as he tried to sit up, putting a hand over his chest. But the pain was too great, and he had to lay down again. He was grateful to still be alive. Even though his stomach hurt too, it wasn't nausea, it was burning from the incision. Brooklyn couldn't sit up right now.

Tears came to his eyes as he had been dirtily used tonight, both for sex he didn't want and a surgery that he didn't need or want. He was in too much pain to care if anyone saw his tears.

'Oh, please, Goliath, anybody, get me out of this terrible place.' He prayed sadly. He hoped his clan would find him. He also still felt the collar on his neck.

Brooklyn could only glare at the ceiling and think. With all that was happening to him now and in the past, with what he got with all the rejections from females and his getting the most into trouble with Goliath and bad guys, he began to wonder why he was ever hatched in the first place.

Why couldn't his clan find him? If Angela still saw Demona at all, her mother was hiding a big secret from her own daughter. But she wasn't seeing Demona as far as he had known. If he ever escaped, he would be sure to tell Angela how evil her mom really was and couldn't be trusted, ever!

The frustration of his pain and sadness took a toll on him and he eventually cried himself into a sleep for the rest of the night just to escape his world of pain.


During the day, Demona figured she was going to talk to Brooklyn tonight about him joining her cause once and for all, and if he didn't, there would still be more consequences for him. It would be fitting for their child to have both its parents in its life after all.

The embryo was growing fast with the accelerant. It had now reached a size equivalent to a four-week-old embryo. Still small and mostly a blob. And way too early to know the gender. And even though there was no egg surrounding it, the natural pure process of a gargoyle turning to stone in daylight happened to even this little embryo too. The stone skin would just shed off in the evening as it seemed to awaken. It was something fascinating to watch. The fluid absorbed the stone skin.

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