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5 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧.

As the early morning light peeked through the curtains, Tara, Kusum, and Meera hurried about the kitchen, preparing the prasad for 1st day of Navratri. The men of the household were busy outside, adorning the haveli with marigold and mango leaves, turning it into a colorful spectacle.

Inside, the kitchen buzzed with activity, the women working together to make the bhog. Despite the early hour, there was a sense of excitement in the air as they prepared for the festivities.

The sound of utensils clattering and laughter filled the kitchen. Each dish was crafted with care and devotion, a symbol of reverence for the goddess.

Outside, the haveli sparkled with decorations, the vibrant colors adding to the festive atmosphere. The puja hall, in particular, was transformed into a sacred space, with flickering diyas and fragrant incense creating an aura of sanctity.

As the preparations neared completion, Tara, Kusum, and Meera shared smiles of satisfaction.

With the prasad ready and the sun rising in the sky, they looked forward to the blessings and abundance that Navratri would bring.

As the sun rose higher, the preparations for the puja intensified. The air filled with the delicious scent of freshly cooked bhog, lovingly arranged by Tara, Kusum, and Meera on shiny silver plates.

With the bhog ready, everyone gathered in the puja hall for the kalash stapna, signaling the start of Navratri. The women adorned the kalash with flowers and sacred symbols, seeking blessings for the days ahead.

Today, everyone in the household, including the men, fasted in honor of the occasion, setting aside their regular meals. Only the youngest children were exempt from fasting, their innocence adding to the purity of the day.

Outside, villagers arrived dressed in their best clothes, eager to join the celebrations. The courtyard buzzed with excitement as neighbors exchanged greetings and shared in the festive spirit.

As the priest chanted ancient prayers and bells rang out, a sense of tranquility settled over the gathering. Together, they embarked on the spiritual journey of Navratri, united in prayer and devotion.

After the prayers, villagers sat together in the spacious backyard, where they were served the special food prepared for Navratri. This food was made using ingredients that align with the fasting rules of Navratri, such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and nuts. As the villagers savored the tasty dishes, they shared laughter and stories, enjoying the sense of togetherness that Navratri brings.

After the villagers left, the living room buzzed with laughter and chatter of the family and the children as Tara, Meera, and Manvi arranged the bhog for serving. They worked together, setting out the dishes with care, ensuring everything looked appealing for their family.

It had been 5 months since Tara's marriage, and although their relationship remained unchanged still maybe something changed, Tara felt a shift in her emotions. Despite her disappointment with Prithvi, his small gestures still managed to stir something within her.

One evening, as Tara spent time with Manik, Prithvi approached them and tucked a flower behind Manik's ear. Surprisingly, without a word, he also placed a freshly bloomed red rose behind Tara's ear before quietly leaving with Manik in his arms. Tara felt an unfamiliar sense of happiness wash over her, her heart fluttering at Prithvi's unexpected display of affection.

In those brief moments, Tara's heart raced with excitement when she saw Prithvi's unexpected show of affection. Just the simple act of putting a flower behind her ear made her feel special and filled her with warmth and a desire she hadn't felt in a long time. As Prithvi walked away with Manik, Tara couldn't help but smile. The image of the red rose tucked behind her ear lingered, giving her hope that maybe, despite their struggles, there was still a chance for their relationship to grow.

𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐀 : 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐄Where stories live. Discover now