Another Moonshine Cuz why not??

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"Owww," Newt whined, eyes half-lidded and words slurred. "You're s'pose t'be healin' me, not hurtin' me."
"Who the hell asked you to fight Gally...hmm?" She dabbed his lips with cotton.
"Well evy'ne said dat I should fight himm!" Newt slurred and winced. "I just got a little... a little angry."
"You? Angry?" She crossed her arms and smirked
"What? Y-you think I'm not angry, lass?" Newt rolled his eyes, but winced as he squinted them.
"Heh heh. You'd be surrised how angry I can get."
"Really? Then make an angry face right now will you?" She was trying not to laugh now but hid it well.
"I-I... huh?" Newt scrunched his brow in an effort to pout in an angry manner, which is, of course, comical to anyone looking at him. "I-I'm angry. Aaaarrgh."
She burst out into laughter and was wheezing, he look like an angry 5 year old, with scrunched up nose and that "Aaaarghh" made her laugh even more.
"Y-you're laughing... at meee..?" Newt scrunched his brows even further, this was an unacceptable offense.
"Oh no no no, I just-" She thought of a stupid lie but he was drunk so it worked like a charm. "Sorry a- A bee just came by and tickled my sides"

"A bee?" He paused as the word ticked in his brain. It did seem plausible, a bee coming by. "You sure? 'cause it kinda sound' lik' yer laffin at mmmme." He squinted his eyes.

"No no not at all, a bee just came by and got into my shirt and tickled me" She still laughed, Newt's face was still scrunched up showing his "angry face"
"Okay..." He was still a little suspicious but there was now a logical reason for her laugh, which did make sense. "Just don't... don't laugh... again. Or I'll... I-I'll... hic tickleee you!"
"Oh no no, don't...I won't laugh again, my lips are sealed"
"Good," Even though his eyes were half-lidded and squinting, he glared at her. "Now you better... you better do a good job healing... me. or else," He lifted a finger and swayed it in her direction.
"Hey hey shut up, Lemme heal you" She put his finger down and cleaned the blood on his face.

Hic alright..." He was too drunk to protest. She was doing a good job so far. She got rid of his bloody lip and now she is taking off the blood of his bruises. What an amazing person. "Thank you... hic very much... for healing.. hic me... Mwah."
She chuckled and kissed his cheek "You're welcome.."  mwah.
"Heh heh. Mwah too, lass." Newt was suddenly feeling very happy. Like a child who just discovered chocolate. He smiled. "Mwah."
She laughed and applied ointment on the bruises "So you were angry? Can you make that furious face again?"
"A-angrier?" He scrunched his brow even further than before and tried to pout. But again he looked like a little child pouting to his mother. "Hmmm... Aaaarrgh."
"Good lord, That's a face full of fury" She said in amused way holding in her laughter.
"See? That's my furrrious face, lass," He said in a slurred tone that only added to his toddler-like appearance. "It's very... scary, no?"
"Holy moly that's really scary" She made another face of amusement.
"Right? Right? See? I'm sca... sca... scary when I'm angry." He gave the biggest pout he's ever given, which looked more like a duck face. Then he squinted his eyes as he continued to try look 'Scary'. He said in a serious tone, but soon broke into giggles. "Hee heee, it's very scary... I'm veewy mean... hic. Don't mess... with me... or I might... hic hurt you."
She chuckled and tried not to laugh at the duck face "Yeah, you're really really scary. And I'll never mess with you or I might end up as a toast"
"You bet you won't, lass," His scrunched up pout suddenly turned to a big grin, which again, was probably funny looking as it was a big goofy grin. "Or else... I'll... I'll...hic  bite yew."
She chuckled "Oh yeah?" She held his forearm now, applying the ointment on his elbow.

"Yeah, I will. hic See." He put his lips up to the forearm and took a tiny nibble, before giving out a muffled nom and giggling. "I bit yew... hic hah haha."
She chuckled and shook her head. "Well're all healed, get some rest" She stood up.
"Okay... hic I shall do just tha- wait... wait... hic" Newt tried to stand up but it was like the whole world began spinning. "I'm f-hic fully better, I think."
 He stumbled and fell, she ran over to him and sighed "I'll take you to your hammock"
"I think... I can walk jus-" As soon as he tried to stand, his legs gave out and he fell back into her arms. "hic okay... maybe... hic maybe I can't walk."
She chuckled and then picked him up in bridal style and carried him to the homestead.
"Wait wait wait... I'm a big boy... I...hic I can walk." Newt squirmed but soon his movements became too weak that he just lay there in her arms like a baby being carried around for a ride in a shopping mall.
She got an idea and suddenly made finger gun at him "Make the angry face"
His eyes widened a little but with all his might and what little energy he has left, he scrunched up his face once again and pouted. But even that failed as the pout just turned into an even goofier smile. "Ha ha ha.. I'm... very much... an angryy... hic lad."
"Yeah you're very angry" She chuckled and poked his cheek, The other gladers yelled at them from afar "WELL DONE Y/N, CARRY YOUR BABY" "HE'S UNDER HER CARE NOW" "LOOK AT THEM"
Newt was way too drunk to care about the other gladers . All he could care about was Y/n carrying him in her arms."Y-you're takin' reaaal good care of... of... hic lil ole me... hic" He gave her the biggest toothy grin he possibly could while making kissy faces.
She chuckled "You're welcome" His kissy faces were making her laugh.
Newt was quite the entertaining character when he was drunk.  He continued making kissy faces and blew a few kisses at her, like an actual baby. "Am I a good boy? hic Am Iee?"
"Yeah, you're very good one" She chuckled and acted to receive each kiss he blew.
He blew even more kisses to see her expressions. "Okay, now say mwahhh!" Newt wanted her to laugh as much as possible.
"Mwahhh" She chuckled and again pretended to receive his air kisses.
"Okay, my turn now," Newt had a devilish smirk on his lips when then he made his moves on her. He pecked at her cheeks with tiny kisses that were meant to annoy her. "Mmwwwahhhh!"
Newt, the child that he is, continues with the baby-talk as he made his "mwahs". The other gladers were laughing as they saw her carrying him. But Newt didn't care about them. It was all about Y/n and his "mwahs". "Mmwwaaahhh... hic I'm just a babyyy."
"Yeah you're just a little 17 year old baby who's chosen to be second in command" She chuckled and again pretended to catch his kiss with her hand.
"Yes, I'em a lit- hic little babyyy. I'm juust learning how to talk... hic you gotta be patient with hic me."
She chuckled "Yeah you're just a baby who just learned how to do "mwah""
"You're right!" Newt chuckled louder now, as his mouth widened with every laugh.
"I'm a verrrrry dumb babyy... who can't talkkk." He said this like a song.
She chuckled  "Very dumb second in command" They reached the homestead, she carried him to his hammock.
"Heh heh. Yep, very... hic dumb baby..." He said while grinning like an idiot. Newt watched her carry him to his hammock while making baby noises. "Hic I'm so dumb... and I need my mommy, hic please"
She chuckled but felt sad, she stroked his cheek  "None of us have our mother's here, Newt....we're in the the maze...remember?"
"Y-yeah, I knoww..." His cheerful face quickly turned sad with the realization. "S-sorry... hic just, felt like a stupid little baby."
She chuckled and laid him in his hammock "It's okay...we all will meet our mums when we get outta here...even our dads"
"hic You thinkk we'll find our families someday?" He looked up at her, with a hopeful smile. "God I'm so drunk' Newt also didn't know what to think. He didn't know if it was stupid or not to hope that they would find their families.
"Well I think they're out there, waiting for yeah" She said in calm tone, she stroked and petted his forehead with her palms. "And it's okay to be drunk sometimes you know"

Newt felt a little reassured by her words that somehow, his mum or dad was waiting for him outside. Her stroking of his forehead also made him feel safe and secure in her hands. "Really? hic You think they're waiting... hic for me?"
"Well yeah, everyone loves their children, I bet they are waiting for you" she smiled and continued stroking.
"Even my mum and daad?" He was already laying down, staring up at her as she stroked his forehead. He looked like a cute little puppy. "They l-love... hic me?"
"Yeah, I bet they love you so much"
"You think... they miss me a lot?" He was looking at her with puppy-dog eyes. His eyes even started to water up a little bit. "Do you think... hic they think I'm dead or... hic something?"
"Of course not, they probably miss you thinking that you just make it alive back to them...I bet your mother misses you thinking that when her son will be back to her" She smiled and continued stroking his forehead.
This was a side of Newt people never normally saw. He was soft and vulnerable, But right now, they were having a special moment where he wasn't even acting and was showing exactly how he felt about the possibility of finding his parents again. "I... hic hope you're right I... hic I miss them too..."
"I just go to sleep now..kay?" She smiled warmly and stroked his cheek.
"Okey dokey." He looked up at her. "Thanks... for taking care of me. hic mwahhh." With a smile on his lips and a giggle in his heart, he closed his eyes.
She chuckled and kissed his cheek "Good night"
"Good nighhhttt.

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