Chapter 6: Why?

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Both of them stood underneath the fruit tree with their eyes attached to each other. Usui was smiling at Misaki, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Usui," Misaki said as she leaped into his arms to form a tight hug "please, lets get away from here lets run away, i cant keep hiding from the King" Usui was nearly in tears but he forcefully held them back as he softly pushed Misaki away from him so he could look into her eyes. She was already in tears.

"Misaki, marry the King, he can give you everything i cant give you. I am nothing more than a servant who helped you from an injury. You should forget about me." He turned away from her so she wouldn't be able to see the tears forming in his eyes.

"Usui..." Misaki fell to her knees as Usui just walked away like nothing had happened. Tears streamed down her face as she watched him slowly disappear from her life. It all happened so fast...

Once Usui had gotten far enough that Misaki couldn't see him, he tapped on the shoulder of a man in black with a gun in his hands. "I did what had to be done" Usui whispered, still holding back his tears.

Misaki got back to the dancers room with red eyes. She was looking down and all the dancers noticed it.

"Misaki? What happened you look in such a state" Misaki didn't reply but just flopped onto her bed and hugged her blanket. All the other dancers were whispering to each other and were starting to get worried.

"Misaki!" Another one of the dancers barged though the door "Usui is lying! He was forced!"

"What do you mean?" Misaki said into her blanket as she twitched a bit when she heard his name.

"I saw the whole thing. When he went of, he was talking to a guy with a gun. The gun was pointed at you Misaki!"

Misaki sat up as her eyes widened. Her hands went to her mouth as another load of tears rolled down her pale face.

"He was... lying?"

TO BE CONTINUED!! Yep sorry this chapter is so short and terrible but at least we know that Usui isn't a bad guy :P

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