Chapter 4: "Save Me"

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Misaki entered the office which the man had brought her to. It was large enough to put a pool in but it was empty except for the desk and chair at the far end and a few paintings on the wall. As soon as she took one step inside, the man closed the door and left her alone with the King sitting on his expensive chair. The King faced her and smirked.

"So my princess, how are you?" Tora said raising one eyebrow. Misaki cringed at the word "princess" and didn't answer. Her lips were curved down and her hands started to sweat.

"Hm? Not answering? Well then i will just have to do the talking." Tora got off his chair and started to walk towards her with an evil smile on his face. Misaki tried to get as far away from him as possible but her back met with a wall and she was cornered.

Usui had his ear pressed against the door and could hear their convocation. He had an angry expression and he tightened his fists, his nails digging into his already injured hands.

Soon, the King had his hands either side if Misaki, pinning her against the wall. If she could, she would have already kicked him multiple times but 1: he was stronger than her
2: he was the King
Tora slowly lifted one of his hands off the wall and grabbed a few strands of her hair and put it to his nose. He sniffed it deeply and smiled at her. Misaki had her face turned away from him and was fighting against her urge to attack him and run away.

"Soon you will be my wife and the Queen if this country, you cant refuse." Misaki's eyes widened in fright as Tora put his hand to her chin and made her look at his face. He was moving closer and closer.

"U-sui" Misaki said below a whisper.

*CRASH* The door flung open and brought their heads to see who was behind. A tall man with a cloth over his head ran towards the King, knocking him aside with his shoulder and carried Misaki in his arms bridal-style. Tora flew back onto the ground with a loud thud as Misaki couldn't find the words to say. Who was behind this mask? It couldn't be...?

The man interrupted her thoughts as he ran out of the room at inhuman speed and headed towards the garden. The King was still on the floor in shock as he stared at the door in disbelief that someone would disobey him.

The mysterious man suddenly stopped as he stood under the fruit tree at the back of the garden. He slowly put her down underneath the tree as her gaze didn't leave his. He knelt down in front of her and breathed heavily as he had been running for quite a while at incredible speed. Misaki neared towards him as she put her hands on the cloth on his face.

She removed the cloth.

Her eyes widened.

"U-usui?" Her words brought him to life as he got nearer to her. His arms flung open and hugged her tightly. Tears were streaming down both their faces as she grabbed hold of his t-shirt and cried into his chest.

"Misaki don't leave me! I know i haven't known you for long but i feel like i cant let you go anymore! Stay with me..." Usui buried his face into her shoulder and hugged her tighter. Misaki had the same feeling but she didn't want to admit it. She felt so weak against the King and she hated knowing she was powerless against him.

Misaki's POV:

Why am i hugging him? Why am i crying? Why does he feel like such a big part of my life now? All these questions are killing me. Just let me cry into his chest for a bit longer. I want to know that he is there.

Usui's POV:

She is my life now. I feel scared to let her out of my sight at the thought of the King. Where did my teasing-self go? She makes me so weak, but so strong at the same time. I want to kiss her. But isn't it a bit soon? I have only known her for a few days...

Normal POV:

Once Misaki had calmed down a bit and her cries weren't so loud, she loosened the grip on his t-shit and Usui brought his hand to her cheek. She quickly held his hand out in front of her as she saw the blood trickling down his wounds. With the end of her dress, she wiped the blood away and kissed his fingers, one at a time. He loved the feeling of her lips to his skin, he couldn't hold back.

He brought his hand back to her cheek and moved closer to her face. Her face was pure red but she didn't pull away like she usually would. Their lips touched softly and he quickly pulled away. He didn't want to make her do anything she didn't want to do. Misaki pouted at the loss of connection which Usui took as a hint to press his lips against her's again, this time deepening the kiss.

They pulled away when they heard voices coming from the other side of the garden. They looked at each other and stood up quietly.

"Princess?" Usui said holding his hand out for her to grab. She took his hand, not too tightly to avoid hurting him, and they both ran off together back to the palace.

"You know, your a pretty good kisser Misa-chan!"

"Shut up!"

TO BE CONTINUED!! This chapter was fun to write XD im trying to upload a chapter everyday at the moment so you should be seeing another one tomorrow CYAAAA XP

The servant and the dancer (kaichou wa maid-sama)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora