Jeffmads angst

19 6 27

"Thomas," James cried softly, looking at the photo in his hand, "We, had so many other things we needed to do, so many adventures, and now it's it's all gone."

Tears appeared in James's eyes, flowing down faster than the wind. The salty tears rolled down his cheeks, and he wiped them away with the sleeve of his shirt. 

He could feel a lump in his throat, making it hard to breathe. "I love you," James admitted, he waited for a response he knew wouldn't come. 

He sniffled, taking in the scent of the photo album that he held close to his chest. 

The faint smell of old paper and glue mixed with the fragrance of the flowers that Thomas had loved.

He looked at the photo of Thomas, smiling back at him, but he knew it was just an image, and Thomas was gone forever. 


He continued talking to the photo, pouring his heart out to the man he loved.

"I miss you so much," James said, his voice choked with emotion, 

"I wish you were here with me, to share all the good and bad times. Life is not the same without you."

James sat in silence for a while, staring at the photo, feeling a mix of sadness, regret, and gratitude for the time they had spent together. 

The sun had started to set, casting a warm golden glow on the photo album. James could hear the sound of birds chirping outside and the distant hum of traffic on the street.

But as he closed his eyes, James felt a sharp pain in his chest, realizing that he would never see Thomas again. 

He wept, clutching the photo album, wishing that he could turn back time, and trade Thomas's life for his. 

As the tears kept flowing, James knew that the void in his heart would never be filled, and he would miss Thomas forever.

Thomas died in a car crash, and James was in the car. Why couldn't he do anything to save him?

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